My bf weighed himself today and he is 135lbs and 6 feet tall. I just don’t think it’s healthy, and he feels concerned too. It’s something he’s always struggled with most his life. He was doing well when we started dating and got up to 150 at one point, but he loses fast.

I’d like any tips on how to help him gain healthy weight, I feel at least 150, honestly I think 160 myself would be healthy for his height.

I considered maybe protein shakes and drink, go back to cooking often again and try to help make sure he eats and make it kind of calorie heavy. I get burgers etc aren’t healthy but he eats so little that’s why I considered just cooking very fattening stuff. He isn’t concerned with thinness, but naturally he only eats like once a day or very little.

I’m concerned and think it’s important to note he’s not a cyclist or a runner, etc. this isn’t a result of hard core physical activities.