I have allowed my 27 year old son to move in with me so he can save money for a house. I am not charging him anything even though he has an excellent job. I want him to be able to afford a house and I don't have any money to give him. I can do this for him though.

The problem is that he thinks I'm not taking his mental health into consideration with regards to food.

He has been diagnosed and recieved help for stuff when he was younger. To the best of my knowledge he is still on therapy and still taking medication to help him cope. I don't judge him for this. If I were younger I might consider it for myself. As it is I would rather just drink and have short term relationships with low class people like myself.

One of the main concerns he has is about how I eat. I love garlic sausage. I always keep a ring of it in the fridge. I can fry some up for breakfast, add some to pierogies, or even just break off a piece and eat it cold.

My son hates it when I do that. Just tearing off a piece. He thinks I should take it out, put it on a cutting board, slice off the part I'm going to eat then slice that into smaller slices So I don't need to bite off pieces.

I told him to stop looking at my food and to stop watching me eat if it bugs him so much. I also said if it was really an issue for him he was welcome to slice up the sausage and put it in serving size containers for me.

He said he does not like to touch meat and that he isn't my servant to cut up my food for me.

I told him tough shit. I don't have the patience to deal with this.

He says that I'm a bad parent for not caring about his mental health. I told him to buy a refrigerator for his food so he does not have to see mine.

He also has a problem with how I leave half finished bags of chips. I rarely eat an entire bag of chips. So I will roll up the top and put a rubber band around it to keep them fresh. He insists that I buy some special clips to seal the bag or throw them away half finished.