Wait. So a trained professional told ypu "this won't work" and you...proceeded to enmesh yourself even more? I honestly ask why.

Boy in my book

But I'm not gonna flinch If I hear it on a girl

I grew up with a guy named Leighton

Prn Lay-ton

There were GUESTS?

Nope. Hubby can either back you up, or use that key she gave him.

I'll never forget when my three youngest were helping prep veggies for a roast. I took pictures of them chopping the veggies (I was,at most,arms length away from them since the house wasn't big at all). I was SO PROUD I showed my boss. She lost her mind asking me "why do those babies have knives?!"

"Because Michelle, I want my kids to actually know how to do things when they grow up"

If it is, my band friends never told meπŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Also in washington. NTA. Auto tip would piss me off too.

I'd show my respect with a "dear John letter" delivered verbally.


I’ve never understood the reason to be a purist.

Some of us had it drilled into our brains with very good teachers and never shook the habit.

Rhe most damage I've seen mine do is make a big fat hole in the soil when I pull them outπŸ˜‚


Not me.

But if I feel intimidated,I have plenty of large scary looking friends who will come to my aid.

he literally just told her he’s probably gonna cheat on her. πŸ₯²

And he told her it'd be her fault

That's not my area of expertise, but I'd guess a slightly rough washcloth would do the trick

I totally stole my brother's mixed tapes. I wonder if he noticed

I'm pretty sure my favorite one is still floating around in storageπŸ˜‚

Pluck them and move on with life. They're not uncommon

Take a swipe with an exfoliate once a week or so to get rid of dead skin that will trap them

Ohhhh driving past a mint harvest is my FAVORITE. It's like driving thru a giant sunwarmed tube of toothpasteπŸ’œ

My sister had a disabled child due to being shaken, and some of the remarks she made in his presence pissed me off so much that it's better if I'm not around her. And since my nephew passed away, I've no reason, nor desire, to be anywhere near her anyway.

My brother had a stroke, and if I hadn't answered his call, he'd be dead.

After a year of recuperating in the hospital and at my sisters, he was dropped at my house.

After three months of being told "I need to go grocery shopping" and being expected to drop what I was doing for him, and then being made to carry his groceries inside and put them away, as well as leaving garbage everywhere, I told him he'd have to buy no more than he was willing to carry himself and he needed to pick up his trash. He threw a fit and demanded I take him back to his house so he could "starve to death alone." I called his bluff and told him to get in the car. And I took him home. He told everyone i threw him out. When I found that out, I went APESHIT. Now, his latest is to tell everyone I won't accept his calls to thank me. He hasn't called.πŸ™„

my partner would be against my dead ex giving us a mil. Hopefully as some very delayed life insurance payment and not a zombie with a duffle bag full of cash.
