Am I the asshole for saying that I hope my brother and mother rot in jail and telling them that I don’t consider them family anymore because of the way they treated me? This all happened a little over a month ago. For a little background information, I have a younger brother who is 6 foot 9 inches and is 18 years old. I am a 20 year old female and am only 5 foot 5 inches. I will be 21 this December. When he and I were younger before he had gone to 5 different behavioral facilities, he would constantly abuse me, blackmail me, spread false rumors about me, and threaten me if I didn’t do as he said. Me being the pushover I was, I listened to him. I also barely have friends because of him. He’s also the reason why most of my friends are online especially from Fortnite and Discord. Since then, I have been more confident in myself. Anyways, a little over a month ago I was playing Fortnite Battle Royale solos on my Limited Edition Fortnite Xbox 1S that I had received as a gift from my fiancé’s younger brother, Timothy(not his real name) while my fiancé, Gabriel(not his real name) was watching me play and my brother had called me on messenger. He had introduced me to his new girlfriend Leah(that is not her real name). He also had said that he wanted to see me as I haven’t seen him for over a year. He said that he would put a bullet in the head of anyone who tried to stop him from seeing me. I told him that threatening people would not be a good idea. He also told me if I had a problem with that to get the hell out of his life. Then he proceeded to say that he would kill Gabriel(20M), Timothy(19M), their youngest brother who will be called Max(16M)(not his real name) and their mother(53F) who I’ll call Jessica(not her real name) that he would kill them. I decided to tell my mother (41F) that I’ll call Samantha(again not her real name). She flat out defended him saying that they were keeping me from seeing my family. She also called me a lazy and petty girl who can’t even wash her hair properly(which I can by the way) and told me that I needed to get a job even though my disabilities won’t allow me to hold down a job for very long. I have ADHD, OCD, and PTSD. I’m also autistic and bipolar. My mother is also a liar and a thief. She stole $400 worth of stuff from me which I had bought with graduation money that some family friends of my grandparents had given me and lied to me about it. I had bought a Nintendo Switch and Pokémon: Legends Arceus. She also forced my younger sister (13F) that I will call Emily(not her real name) to block me on Facebook. So I told them that I hope that they get arrested and that they would rot in jail. So am I the asshole for telling them that?