For cast-me,my brother,mom,dad, entitled mom, shaby, abby

For context-i am a 14 years boy with my twin

I moved out with my family to an apartment because of my mother not having enough when we moved out it was 4 years ago and when I was on the couch when shaby walks in and shouts "hey can you guys come and play?" We thought ya and we played.

Fast forward to 5 months we got our first wifi in 10 years and the stupid network guy put the plug in the neighbour's house which turns off wifi in the whole apartment and we had to miss classes due to COVID and my attendance was low and my father's meetings got destroyed due to the wifi we told them but they never listend to us and we got the company to remove that annoying swich.

Fast forward to 2years later me and my mother had a fight the casual family fight them the entitled mom shows up like she own this house because "you guys are too loud" she started to shout at me and I locked my self then she started to insult and thereatned to "call the police" after 4hours i could not take it and grabbed a knife and almost cut my wrist but with anger i changed at her she held me in a chokehold and she lecture me for two hours.the next week she called her friend who is a police and complained on my brother.thus happened 6times

We left it and after 5 months we had planed a cross state trip only my family of 4 a very rare sight because my mom always makes old people come along.long be hold the entitled mom texts telling that "your kids don't deserve it they are such a stupid boy" my brother is short tempered guy and his anger was out of the roof normely if he is this angry he will get a panic attak he started shouting in the car and cursing at entitled mom.when we reached back entitled mom had the audacity to scream at my mom that you did not invit us after that they destroyed our cycles and slashed the tyers.

And in 2022 I went out with my brother and shabby because of Pokemon go and in the way back a German shepherd bit me and she ran away laughing like a Hyena and the dog bit me because she screamed after I got back she was laughing at me because I was crying but she jumped from a 2 foot fall and she started to have a meltdown and entitled mom had to carry her down.

It was end 2022 when I reserved my tab and the next thing i know in 6 months in my break entitled mom barges in and called the police and she entered my room and took my tab and when my mom called abby to call entitled mom she smiled more grimely than the grinch And after the fight the next day entitled mom and my mom broke relationship and the entitled mom and her husband (nice guy) got in a big fight and now taking a divorce.and now because of this they stopped their 200000$ house. in present i asked them to give my tab but they told "i alredy gave it back" And they had the audacity to buy a new tab and now I don't know what to do