My 27-year-old son (we'll call him Michael) is a bit of a ne'er-do-well. Despite raising him in very good public schools, he decided not to apply himself and fail out of college. Ever since, he's been barely scrounging together a living and was actually couch-surfing for awhile. He's in better shape now, but he works as a clerk and makes just above minimum wage. He shares a dumpy three-bedroom apartment with two roommates.

Yesterday afternoon, Michael called me up and was complaining about his life. He said that he was passed over for a promotion, which he was counting on to improve his standard of living. His plan was to move out in a few months, at the end of his lease term, and try and get a studio apartment in a better part of town. I tried to be as understanding as possible, but eventually I just wasn't having it. I asked Michael who was to blame for him partying too hard in college and failing out. He wouldn't answer the question. I then asked him how he expects to earn enough to live a decent life (and maybe one day own a house) without earning at least a college degree. He refused to answer that one, too. Instead, he started ranting about "the boomers," as if all of us are exactly the same and none of us should be trusted.

I reminded him that I did very well in college, earned a degree in a competitive field, and was able to buy a home in my mid-20's. I also shared that several of his classmates from high school followed my path and were successful homeowners as well. Michael refused to hear any of this, though, so I hung up on him in frustration. I understand that housing is expensive today, but the idea that it's my generation's fault alone is absurd to me. In fact, when you consider how high mortgage rates were in the 1980's, it's a wonder any boomers could buy homes at all. I just feel like Michael is being extremely unfair to me and is being quite ageist. The person he's really mad at is himself, but he wants to use me as his punching bag.

I tried calling Michael back today, and it went straight to voicemail. My wife tells me that I was "callous" and wouldn't be surprised if Michael stops talking to me for awhile. I just don't know how to help my son when he refuses to help himself. It's a frustrating and sad situation, and I don't know what more I can do. AITA?