Agreed. My friend group spans generations, economics, careers, etc. It's much more rewarding when you can be your weird ass self and not wonder if people are talking to you because they have an angle. I'm an exec in tech and my closest friends are a nurse, a geologist, and a SAHM with each of us living in a different state.

When my grandmother was dying, I asked if she could hear me. The nurse said it was the last thing to go. I don't know if that is true or if it's BS to make a grieving family member feel better?

My guess is they needed a booster at some point and didn't. And now, with aging bodies, lowered immunity, and group living, it's a perfect storm.

  1. Document allllll of this, save her messages
  2. Get copies of your kids' medical records
  3. Get #1 & #2 to your lawyer as soon as she threatens legal action (if it were me, it would be sent to them now to give them more time to review should legal action be necessary by either party).

Her Tik Tok medical advice is endangering your child's health. And her hypocrisy of "essential oils for my kids health" vs. Semaglutide for aesthetics (I presume given her reaction to it) is mind-numbingly idiotic.

You aren't wrong. She isn't reasonable and has elected willful ignorance.

Get a woman with no social circles. I have friends, but no one I have to impress. It's delightful. For context, I did the whole ladder climb/see and be seen events in my 20s. It was exhausting. I stopped doing that, focused on what I enjoyed, and my career exploded.

I'd walk out of the doctors office with my arms raised in victory shouting "I WON!"

I ruined my husband. He was a wrestler all through Jr. High, high school, and college. His dad was a former wrestler as well as his younger brother, so they all generally ate well. He ate food for fuel. His daily diet when I met him was eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, rice and a can of tuna for lunch, baked chicken breast, and steamed broccoli for dinner. Almonds and an apple as snacks. Eggs again before bed (his metabolism is so high He will wake up at 2 or 3am to eat if he doesn't eat right before bed). He also works in construction and goes to the gym because HE LIKES IT (I go to not die early)!?!?!?

Then, I introduced him to sugar. Alllll the sugar. And naps. And lounging by the pool on vacation (early on, he had me hiking mountains and shit, which we still do but interspersed with slovenly pool time now). He now has a 6 pack and not an 8 pack and is angry about it. Sir, I'm not convinced there are even muscles in my stomach. It could all be some weird erector set and doozers from Fraggle Rock keeping me upright.

Czech and Irish mostly, but mutts all around. My great-grandmother was mostly Czech. The 5'8" great-grandfather was Irish - 1st generation, so we had an inkling of his past, the rest of my ancestry is either a sordid tale of debauchery or just laziness and no records.

Taking classes I had no interest in to make me more well-rounded.

Group projects

Like a Magic Eye and Where's Waldo, medical style

I haven't, thanks for the recommendation!

I'm reading:

"The Pain Gap - How Sexism and Racism in Healthcare is Killing Women," by Anushay Hossain

"Invisible Women - Data Bias in a World Designed for Men," by Caroline Criado Perez

And, "Unwell Women - Misdiagnosed and Myth in a Man-Made World," by Elinor Cleghorn

I'd be stoked to get texts from him! My poor nurse friend gets my weird ass hypotheticals. I envision her rolling her eyes pretty consistently.

I'm reading 3 books on how f'd women are when dealing with the medical field. Women's pain is dismissed, leading to longer ER wait times and lower survival rates for heart attacks (as their symptoms are dismissed or chalked up to "anxiety"). Endometriosis takes 7.5 years on average for a diagnosis. Women tend to wait longer than men for cancer diagnosis after 1st noticing symptoms. Most medical research has been conducted on males, so knowledge of women's bodies is limited. Anyway, if you want to have rage insomnia, puck up one of these books :)

My friend had a port in her chest for chemo, and when she went to get it removed, I told her to keep it and show the bill for when she paid for it. They let her keep it! They cleaned up the tissue and sent it home with her in a larger specimen cup.

Lots of people are rightfully saying get the real dress out of the house before they do something to it. And that the sisters may prank your bride on your wedding day (if still invited). Even if they don't, your wife will spend the entire wedding and reception on edge waiting for something from them. She won't be able to enjoy herself while she waits for some other prank. And maybe not even the dress. What about the cake and cake cutting? There is this trend of shoving peoples face into their birthday cake - imagine if they pulled that off? Or hijacking a video. Or whatever.

The point is, I don't think your wife will feelc9mfortable with them there regardless.of apology. I know I wouldn't.

If I were your fiance, I'd be out of the house that day. I'd stay with friends, get an AirBNB, something. No way would I stay in that house.

Steroids - acne, grainy skin, moobs, stretch marks (pecs and delts mainly), balding. Someone "yoked" b/c steroids tends to increase muscles that attach to the shoulder.

Growth (HGH) - barrel looking belly, moobs, balding, growth of facial features (there were some allegations Zac Efron's jaw was due to hGH, but he said he shattered it and had to have it reconstructed)

Another giveaway is when actors put on way more muscle than would be reasonable in either the time frame or for their age (maintaining muscle mass you had in your 20s into your 50s is hard). Like a superhero looking bigger than pro athletes in a few months is suspect.

I have always wanted to know this. What compels someone to smear shit all over anything? (Aside from vengeance, in which case, game on)

100% and I've been in HR for over 20 years. I've been told this anecdotally and read the research on the wage gap. Also, even if you never leave the workforce, there is a phenomenon where women with children are seen as less reliable and may not be given the types of projects that lead to promotion because the assumption is she will have to leave early/come in late because kids while men are viewed favorably and being more motivated when they have a family to provide for.

I didn't know anything about this. Granted, I'm probably not the target demographic, but still!

My husband is into fitness and follows bodybuilders, has one of his bachelor's degrees in exercise science, and has a number of friends who use steroids. He told me some of the tell-tale signs, and now he and I play "Who's Juiced?" while watching movies or sharing social media posts back and forth.

I think it's incredibly unfair that stars aren't honest about being on something. Just like those on Ozempic and/or surgeon's tables saying they keep fit by "hiking in the Hollywood hills and chasing their toddler around." These celebrities are showing unattainable bodies saying, "Just ate clean and hit the gym every day." False.

I don't remember who it was, but some ripped celebrity was talking about shirtless scenes and how dehydrated he has to be for them. Basically, he avoids water for 2 days and shoots, then hydrates, and they have to give him a few days before he does it again. He has to get as close to organ failure/death as possible to show an impossible aesthetic.

I am open with anyone who asks. I've taken Ozempic and had Botox (now Daxxify) for years. I don't look like a celebrity, but if anyone asks, I'm an open book.

You don't. She is aware of what's out there and the family history, she's an adult woman making her own decisions. Hopefully she is young enough that her general health is good and depending on what the family history is, perhaps a lower risk of complications.

At the end of the day, after sharing your concerns, there is nothing more you can do and if you continue pushing, you may find yourself persona non grata.