Sd- Step Daughter Sm- Step daughters mother

To clear some questions that I have been getting. Yes, the baby is my husband's too, I used the term "my baby" because I am talking to you. We are not. During the initial conversation about giving SD some of the ashes my husband never spoke up to disagree with me about it. He went with it and then went behind my back. If he disagreed why didn't he speak up at the time? And I never said I wasn't willing to revisit the conversation in the future. This conversation came up literally the day her ashes came home to us. SM and I have never seen eye to eye, she thinks she has some kind of weird claim on him due to their prior relationship and that's never sat well with me because of her consistent boundary crossing. SD was 11 when I had her sister and was more interested in other things like her phone, friends and school than being involved with her sister. I tried to get her involved in feeding, dressing or playing with her sister and it never clicked with them. I am in no way saying that an 11-13 year old should be responsible for a baby, just saying that I tried to help foster that relationship. I do NOT dislike SD. I am not even upset that she lost the ashes, I was simply pointing out that she was not responsible or mature enough to handle something so important. She loses money, jewelry, toys, ect. All the time. Her mothers wedding band from her parents marriage being the most prominent example. We have the cohabiting kind of relationship, not the mother daughter kind as she stated that she wasn't interested in having that with me and that is OKAY! She is allowed to feel that way. I am not hoarding her ashes like a dragon with a pile of gold, at the time that we made our daughters arrangements my husband and I agreed that we would want her buried with us wherever we end up. We, BOTH of us wanted her buried with us. We agreed to this. We have always had an amazing relationship, listening to each other's concerns and opinions. We hardly ever disagree and when we do we can usually compromise about important decisions. I can not have any more children because of a complex medical procedure that left me sterile. SM however has 2 children other than SD, so my daughter was not her only sibling. Just the only one she shared with my husband. After reading through the comments, I have asked my husband to come to marriage counseling with me. I am not ready to forgive and forget, but I genuinely want to know why he was so willing to go behind my back. I'm not sure how this chapter will end for us.