Me and my wife have been discussing for years that we wanted a large family. After we had our first child (a boy) we decided to wait 2 years to have another. It’s now been a little over 6 years and it has been a roller coaster. We have completely different parenting philosophies as she does not believe in spankings or discipline at all for that matter. She thinks our 7 year old for whatever reason is able to rationalize between right and wrong. Our biggest argument occurred last summer when our son threw a rock at woman while we were hiking. We were above them on the trail and it hit her right on the head to wear she was bleeding so heavily EMS had to be called. I was embarrassed and so livid that when we got back to the hotel I snapped pushed him on the ground, stood over him, and gave him a piece of my mind. My wife was not happy and in turn took our son, got a different hotel, and told my mother in law that she was contemplating on leaving me because she fears for the safety of our son.

That was the only time I ever snapped at our kid and there have been so many other times where I’ve wanted to. When he raised the window on our dog head and nearly decapitated her…I had to back off. When he urinated in our neighbors pool in front of his young daughters….I had to back off. We’ve done therapy and counseling. Needless to say that till this day nothing has changed. I decided to bring it up in one of our counseling sessions that I was considering getting a vasectomy and she flipped to the point where our entire ride home she was bawling because she felt as if I was giving up on our dream of having a big family. Her argument was that I was thinking about myself and weaponizing my body as a means to enforce my ideals instead of talking to her. However, thats thing. I’ve spent the last several years telling her that what we’re doing with our son is not working. The gentle parenting, therapy, medication is not working so the best thing I can do for myself at this point is not have any more children with the person who will not let me have any input when it comes to disciplining our child.

So this week I actually got the vasectomy and my wife was unaware from the time I scheduled to the day of the operation and I told her during breakfast. She has threatened to divorce me because she “does not want to spend the rest of my life with someone who will go to such lengths to get their way”. Every time we’ve discussed me getting a vasectomy she’s said that “I’m blowing things out of proportion “ and that having children were apart of our future. At this point, I don’t even care anymore.