I (32M) have my wedding in 3 weeks. I have been no contact with my mother ever since I turned 18. She cheated on my father 14 years ago and broke his heart. My mother has been trying to connect with me the last 14 years, she’s sent numerous apology messages, numerous voicemails, she’s sent even emails. I haven’t blocked her because I think that’s cruel. She’s been sending updates on her life, asking me how I am, that she misses me. 

She found out that I’m getting married from her one of her friends, who I’ve invited to the wedding. She wishes me good luck on the marriage, she says she understands that I don’t want her at the wedding, but that she would love to meet me at least once before I embark on this new adventure. She says she’s proud of everything I’ve accomplished in life. She writes and sends a bunch of other niceties like that.

But I still haven’t forgiven her for cheating on my father, and for breaking our family apart. And so I’m going to continue to be no contact with her.

AITAH for not inviting my mother to my wedding?