I (31F) have been married to my husband(33M_ for 6 years, since before we got married we both knew we didn't want children and we still don't. However, my mother is very critical of this and always asks when I'm having kids, knowing we dont want any. I am a teacher and a tutor, I deal with kids for most of the day and I'd rather go home and not have to deal with more, I also just don't think I'd be a good mother. I don't have maternal instincts that everyone says your supposed to have. Overall I just think having kids sounds like a nightmare and my husband agrees. Last week I attended a family barbecue and in front of everyone, my mother asked when i'm having kids. Jokingly I replied "Julie (my sister) has more than enough kids for the both of us" My sister (40) has 8 kids. My sister and her husband laughed, so did most of the family ,but my mother didn't find it funny. She started saying that everyone in our family has had atleast one kid and if I dont have any then i'm ending the "tradition". I explained to my mother that I'm not gonna have a kid just because I dont want to end a "tradition". A child deserves to be born because its wanted and going to be in a loving home, not because its "tradition". She got mad and started yelling at me and saying i'm being selfish. I told her that making me have a child would be selfish of her and she got mad and stormed off. She never came back so i'm assuming she left. I stayed for about another hour before I went home. when I got home I had dozens of text messages saying im selfish and (This is a direct quote) "your going to have kids whether you like it or not" I dont know what that means or what she is planning but I dont like it. AITAH?