I had to have my thyroid removed when I was 14 and the surgery left a long horizontal scar across my throat. It scarred badly and even after cosmetic procedures remains highly visible. Honestly I had to overcome a lot of self-consciousness about it because people stare and make rude comments, but more than a decade later I don't think about it too much except when people say something.

My coworker Helen pulled me aside to tell me it deeply bothers her having to see it, and that she is not the only person who is bothered by it. She said scars upset her due to her experiences and shouldn't need to see them in the work place and requested I cover it with a scarf or choker.

It honestly surprised me because I have never had someone ask me to cover it before. These comments made me really self conscious again but honestly I do not feel I should need to cover it. I really don't like things touching around my neck so I ignored her request, but I can't help but wonder AITAH for letting my throat scar go uncovered? I know people are curious about it, but I have never been told it triggers others trauma before.