First she hated my husband. She thought he was “short” and pathetic and simp. By simp she meant he loved and respected me and didn’t play games. He was so confident in himself that he told me he liked me after the third date and when he proposed, he admitted that he was in love with from our first date. I am so in love with him and her “kidding” didn’t bother me. All I did and said is that I wished her to experience real love, only then she will understand why I am with him. That was on my wedding day when she again was kidding. My sister told her that her passive aggressiveness was showing and that she wasn’t fooling anyone. The rest of the girls laughed.

For two years now she has never spoken ill about him. I was very relieved in the beginning but then I started wondering. She is too nice to him. Always complimenting his looks. She usually doesn’t even hug hello (she says she’s autistic and can’t) but now, she hugs and kisses him hi. Always sits beside him. Texts him memes and she told me that they had the same humor (they don’t). I didn’t know what to do should I say something to any of them? My husband is oblivious and I don’t want to hurt her if I was being mistaken.

Two weeks ago she sent my husband a text saying that she was in love with him. He didn’t answer her so she sent him hello? He asked her to stop because he is very uncomfortable and doesn’t reciprocate her feelings and that l loved her so she shouldn’t do this again. A week later she sent him nudes.

At that my husband told me everything. He said he wasn’t sure at first but she made a move on him a month ago then he showed me the text. I was very angry and disappointed. He told me he was blocking her now.

So last Sunday I just confronted her when we were out for dinner. It was the same usual friend group. I blurred her nude but her face and sent everyone the screenshots of what she wrote to my husband. I asked her what she thought about that and she was livid.

So basically what’s in the title. She is so angry at me, calling me an abuser and an AH. But for me, if what she was doing wasn’t wrong then she wouldn’t be ashamed of me outing her would she?