Thanks for the comments :) here’s an update if anyone wanted?

My bf called and apologized and asked me to come and talk to him, so I did. He apologized again and told me that he was just feeling insecure (I was surprised he admitted this) because of the way things were going. I explained to him the whole condom situation and he understood and believed me. (Also some were confused, i didn’t just tell him to put a condom on so we could have sex lol, we were going to and then he was like fuck I don’t have one, that’s how that happened). I also cleared up that fact Ik how to put a condom on because of health class, which some were concerned about. He laughed at that, it wasn’t a concern of his.

I also explained to him too that I wasn’t meaning to be bossy I simply just know what I like and I thought saying it would be better than making him play guessing games with me, which would be less fun for both of us. He told me that bossy isn’t the word he should’ve used though he was adamant I was “assertive” lol. He told me he appreciates it though. We did apologize and he did tell me he was going to handle situations better from now on and work on feeling insecure. I told him there was really nothing to feel insecure about as the sex is really, really great.

After all, I wouldn’t waste a condom from my gigantic college girl who fucks frat guys condom stash hoard for nothing!


So my bf (m25) and I (f20) started seeing each other about five months ago. We actually met a concert and we hit it off really good. We started dating shortly after that. We started having sex like two months ago.

Now for context, I’m not the most experienced person when it comes to sex (I’ve only had two partners before him, and one was when we were only 16), but I kinda noticed that he wasn’t that experienced either. It didn’t bother me but kinda surprised me as he is a very attractive man, has a really good job, is super kind and funny and just likable. The sex wasn’t bad but yeah like I just could tell a little bit.

After that he told me (unprompted) that since he was in the military from like 18-24, he didn’t have much sex lol. I was like oooh in my head. He said he dated a girl throughout but they never saw each other for obvious reasons and she had a low sex drive anyway so there just wasn’t much chance. I was like okay no problem like you’re not bad at it lol. I think that’s what he wanted me to say and he seemed content by that.

However the next few times we had sex I just decided to kindly let him know a few “pointers”. Nothing rude just like “do this” or “do it like that”. He was receptive and it was very good. I asked him if there was anything I could do better for him and he said no, I was really good. I thought everything was fine.

That was until yesterday. He didn’t have protection but my college gives them out like candy so I happened to have a few in the drawer of my desk lol. I told him to grab one. He did but then stared at me as I put it on, and then shook his head and told me stop. I was like why what happened? He started to go off on me about having the condoms, being more experienced than him, and “bossing” him around. I tried to apologize, explain the whole college situation with the condoms lol, and tell him that I’m actually not that experienced at all, but he literally just left my apartment and slammed the door.

I’m so confused what I did. I ended up crying and my roommate asked me what happened, and I explained. She said I didn’t do anything wrong but then why did he storm out?? I feel so bad I never meant to make him feel like some way about it. AITAH for this?