Zero Dark Thirty: raid on Bin-Laden’s house.

Rogue One: Assault on Scarif and Darth Vader’s entrance

Jaws: Bruce the Shark vs Quint & Chief Brody

Rambo (2008): Rambo vs entire Burmese Army company or battalion.

Big massive stars don’t live long, relatively speaking.

Do Romulans undergo Pon farr? It doesn’t seem like it because on Picard S1, that Romulan dude was doing the dirty with the robot. So why do Vulcans do then?

I’m looking at the pics and thinking… “McMansion, McMansion, McMansion, McMansion, McMansion, WTF??? A slide in the living room???”

Three of those four films won Best Picture at the Oscars….

Partassipant [1]

As a parent, you just hope that your children will find something that they are passionate about, be it science/math, sports, art, etc. And unless it becomes detrimental to them, you encourage that

Event Horizon. Stargate. Not movies but Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe

Ana de Armas, like as in a virtual Aunt May vis-a-vis Blade Runner 2049.

The stupid bullet proof designer sports jacket always takes me out of any suspension of disbelief. Even if the material stops the bullets from penetrating, he’d be dead from the multiple blunt trauma injuries from the bullets deforming the fabric inward upon impact.

Partassipant [1]

Ah, so she’s not the eager beaver when it’s her turn to pay you back. I wouldn’t call your “friend” stingy. She’s a hypocrite. NTA, OP.

Can you just act like a parent instead of catering to a 14 yo’s whims?

I’m not sure it’s all women. I think it’s mostly men without any platonic friendships or relationships with women. Or any relationships with women.