because like help I really love reading books but like I CANNOT focus for the life of me. I can read an entire page and then look back and be like "what just happened" I zone out every 2 seconds, have to go back and reread sentences 1,000 times, yeah I don't think this is normal and it's really really really annoying me because all I want to do is read the bookk and I'm wondering if anyone can relate/has advice lol

Edit: so uhhhh I went to bed and woke up with 200+ likes and comments so idk if I can read them all, sorryy

But, what I'm seeing from most people is this happens to them and they have switched to audio books, or digital books. Audiobooks are sadly worse for me. It's like in a conversation. I just somehow listen to my own thoughts and completely ignore the person speaking (on accident) and this happens with audiobooks too. One person suggested reading audiobooks and the book at the same time which is kinda like subtitles, which is actually a really good idea but I read smaller authors so I'm not sure if I can find them, also not sure where to look for audiobooks lol or if you have to pay, and sometimes I don't like the person reading it entirely Music (with no lyrics) makes it a bit better but it still happens Have not tried fidget toys but wouldn't they be hard to hold while holding a book..?

These are all great ideas!!

I can NOT read comic books lol (depends on the comic book but still) like I'm impatient or something so I just like look at different comic stripes before finishing that one it's so bad