Interesting. None of the influencers I follow have ever mentioned it, neither anyone I know irl. Sounds fun!

What is CMA fest? No one I follow has mentioned it lol

No one is melting. The adults are discussing the desire to not support fascists. Hope that helps💖

Absolutely not. Shame on you and the other MAGA weirdos.

A difference of opinion is thinking pineapple doesn't belong on pizza. Supporting a hateful, bigoted, insurrection inciting lunatic is just dangerous.

It's almost like people have different experiences 🧐

People are just genuinely annoying when it comes to how other people deliver their child, and if you had a positive experience, then truly they hate you. Birth trauma is so real and obviously something to be sensitive about, but sometimes it feels like any mention of a positive (or just not awful) birth experience is absolutely clobbered.

Starting at 18 months, our peds office has us fill out the M-CHAT-R, which is an autism screening tool. Another avenue is going through Early Intervention. If you're in the US, you should be able to access EI through your school district.

Hell, I've grown up on the West Coast, but my maternal side is all from the East Coast. We went last summer, and I tracked down the houses my great grandma grew up in, the family plot, etc. Finding a family home from an even more distant relative in a foreign country would be so cool!

I've been saying I'm over it since like 30 weeks. Obviously, I didn't want my baby to be born premature, but also, this guy is measuring huge, and I'm tiiiiired. Let pregnant ladies complain. This shit is exhausting.

As long as it's a friend/family member who puts the effort into knowing my kids, I don't care and actually think it's a net positive. Some family members that make no effort? Nope.

Snark, not creepy obsession 🥰

Truly. Being so obsessed with a total stranger, how mortifying.

Babe this is a snark sub, and defending being unhinged in your obsession with an influencer is not a flex.

Why do you dedicate your reddit presence to someone you "hate"? So many questions!

Olivia Rodrigo, Kacey Musgraves, and Zach Bryan 🤠

Gentle parenting, when done correctly , is authoritative.

People have been getting drunk at concerts long before covid

This is how I understood it too. I think in the summer it's a little easier to get cute (dresses mainly) but I definitely default to function over fashion a lot, and I'm someone who really does love putting outfits together.

Admittedly, my husband is the one who does most of the cleaning in our family. However, when we are hosting, I always get a little frantic and clean everything. Meanwhile, he will insist on starting in his office or our bedroom?? The two places no one will likely go?? It's baffling. He's done this since we were childless hosting houseparties and continues to now when we are hosting Thanksgiving or a kids' bday party🤣

Saaaame. I have a Thorns jacket I love, but all of this is so cute.

We have season tickets to our local NWSL team and started bringing our daughter when she was about 9 months. I would wait until baby is a little more stable (and hopefully tolerates a carrier) and invest in good noise canceling headphones.