Using an episode to finish off the Kell of Kells arc, which has been around since Destiny 1?

I sure hope they do to justice…

Why do I have to grind for good loot in a loot grinding game?

I agree with you, I still have plenty to do with the expansion, but claiming timegating, or the bland “episode” we currently have is actually good, is definitely a take.

Hey they put a warning on cigarettes. The must care about me!

Wouldn’t the end of the story be the moment he was referring to, as in he was trying to reassure people that there is an actual end to the story?

I think you might be reading too much into the wording used. I could be wrong, but I interpreted his words as “there is an ending to the story coming”, which we absolutely got.

And to think, people were claiming the animations looked “just fine” when the criticisms were brought up after the gameplay reveal.

I doubt they’d go through all the effort to improve them if they were “just fine”.

You’re asking in the wrong sub. These people will pay any price and not ask questions.

Sure, by dragging out the seasonal content even longer. Yeah, that’s a solution, I guess, despite Bungie claiming episodes would be otherwise. Nowhere in their explanation did they tell the truth about Episodes just being a longer drawn out season.

Feel free to rewatch the explanation they gave. They just straight up lied, again, and the community believes them, again.

It’s 100% seasons by another name. It was just marketing, that’s it.

I know that everyone on this sub wants to be the enteral optimist, but Episodes are just a longer season.

They even copied and pasted the vendor template and the 3 player activity/weekly mission time gate.

I’m not really sure how any Destiny player who has played seasons in the past could claim otherwise

It’s exactly the same, with some cut scenes added in. I predict that they won’t be any meatier than seasons, as Bungie claimed.

I mean, it kind of had to be really good. Lightfall was a disaster of a year for them, to the point that mass layoffs had to happen.

I really really love The Final Shape campaign. They finally figured out how to make a cohesive and competent campaign.

The Episode Echoes though? Two steps back.

I’m not ready to write this off just yet. If the writing and characters are well done then I can live with action combat.

Everyone is making speculation based on what we saw, with mega fans claiming “BioWare is back” and skeptics being skeptical. One side is not better than the other.

I’m personally not a fan of taking a vertical slice and making any assumptions based on it. We don’t even know if a full game even exists yet.

I always find it wild how people are so quick to believe whatever a critic says over a non critic.

In the case of this game there has been a negative reaction to the gameplay trailer, and the response is typically "the game isn't out yet, how do you know its bad?", but if a critic makes the claim that said game is good, then everyone believes them. Is it an authority thing? Do people give critics more weight in their opinions?

All that has been played by critics and influencers seems to be this vertical slice *(as far as I'm aware), the same stuff we saw in the trailer. I am not aware of anyone playing more than that, nor are we aware if more of this game actually exists, so I'd imagine if we don't believe we can criticize this game until it comes out then that holds true for the weird praise coming from critics who haven't played the full game either.

This is the exact opposite of making these companions feel like real characters. This is basically just "player sexual" with another name. From what they described you can still romance anyone you want, regardless of what that particular companion prefers, because the devs are just going to program them to prefer everyone. Meh.