“Mom? Dad? We’ve been in the Go Places Box ™️ for a long time now. Have we even got to a place yet?”

Well… fuck me. 10 point to gryffindor

I don’t know if you did it on purpose but it would be brilliant if you did, the distance from the UK to Egypt is about the same as from one coast to the other across the US. So perhaps that gives some perspective on travel distance. *puts on cowboy hat, “Now if you don’t mind I’m going to drive 13,480 basketball ball courts to go see a movie with a buddy.”

Everything is what it is. Show me something that isn’t what it is.

His name is Robert Paulson

“Uh well, I just have to point out that uh humans don’t know uh everything and if we would uh just spend some extra resources uh searching uh then we would….”

Several years ago Dan had another podcast called Is We Dumb, in which he and his (then) producer, Joe Paisley, would just bant and riff off each other during various segments. Highly recommend. If I recall correctly the check for shoes thing was based off someone putting their shoes in an oven to dry and someone came and turned the oven up with predictable results, thus the “well… did you check for shoes?” I don’t remember the gas leak thing.

Oh, I see, so now there’s a law about how many iPhones I’m allowed to let fall out of my vagina. I’m sorry, I thought this was AMERICA!? It is my constitutional right to let my 23 iPhones fall wherever I want!

Yes but what is that converted into how many mother-in-laws fooling with the thermostat?

“Excuse me sir, but we’ve been trying to reach you concerning your auto warranty…”

Grief is the price we pay for love. And it’s a bargain.

They’re there to distract from how boring the content of the books is.

You see, here’s where you messed up. My original comment is what is known as a “joke.” Jokes usually take the form of poking fun at something using irony. In this instance the idea that British people are warm and welcoming. Jokes also invoke humor by pointing out observations, such as the German people being well known for scat play. Now being that I had to explain what a joke is and how one functions may I assume that you are, in fact, German and possess no sense of humor?

It’s tradition to put the washer where the most activity takes place. The British are a warm people who enjoy spending time with each other centered around a family meal. The Germans shit on each other.

This reads like an answer from a Miss America pageant.

Dude, answer the question THEN go with a follow up. Why DID Joe “Pervy” Smith marry a mother and daughter?

Yeah, but to a child raping cop in prison four years is a life sentence.