I'm not sure why you brought up dark matter engines? It doesn't boost pop assembly.

Eh. By the time you unlock high-end fallen empire buildings I'm not sure it really matters anymore. 

I'm not sure what dark matter engines had to do with it, pop assembly isn't a resource from jobs.

It's funny how they're never advocating for states rights to do actually good and useful things 

It's always "we have the right to keep being evil"

Skirt straining to hold that bakery in

Artillery means your ships AI doesn't pull them back the way a carrier AI does. Artillery computer is still broken because it works off median weapon range.

They fixed the bug but median range is still the obvious wrong choice for AI to use.

No the issue is spinal mount weapons have a firing arc (forward facing cone) and so they tend not to fire very often once the battle has started as enemies aren't in front of the ship.

Apparently we need to make it illegal to blatantly lie about judicial proceedings.

Fascism breeds under leniency. We're seeing it right now.

No wonder I never heard of them. Though I'll have to actually do this next time because I love naval cap. 

 >but they also reduce Empire size to the same extent 

 All governors do that so not really worth bringing up

Thing is you give up a TON of science output there's like three or four stacked traits that a scientist governor brings to the table that a commander can't get.

I don't like any of these chains. The fact that you always get one of these mostly immediately after you spawn in, makes the early game have that much more repetition that it definitely doesn't need. If they were purely randomly distributed at any time during the game then they'd feel less repetitive.

"why is Trump talking like Hitler?" - the question the media isn't asking

The game is constantly changing it's mind about what resources you need more. Every time it fixes one of your deficits it creates a new one. 

Build only enough jobs for your pops to actually work.

Pops can't jump back and forth on jobs if you stop leaving a hundred jobs open. Why are you building way more jobs than you have pops? Open jobs give you nothing

It's completely hilarious people will say shit like that with a straight face and five hundred people will up vote them

Hm I don't think so. If you're doing cosmogenesis you have tons of useful things to research long after you start seeing repeatables.  

 And even if you're not doing that, having better research so you can stack repeatables faster is useful.

Also it's not like repeatables only show up if you "finished" the tech tree. They get unlocked by reaching the end of the tree, but you might still need to backfill the techs you skipped.

You want to make sure you do whatever it takes to get the ringworld preference off your species list by the time you really get virtual ascension going though Or at least set it up so that the game no longer thinks the ringworld preference is the 'founder' species. 

Not sure how that works tbh as I've seen kinda weird behavior in the species screen.

But point being once you're spawning in dozens of pops a year you wanna make sure they have better habitability 

The comic books, eh? Interesting 

I don't want it to go to trial, I don't trust her not to toss the case after jurors are seated, protecting Trump under double-jeopardy

Id much rather her get replaced via appeal

Tbh yes that's pretty much always been the problem with rings almost by definition. Since you need to have mega-engineering to fix them, (or mega-engineering AND ringworld researched to craft them), you're in repeatables by the time you have your rings developed. 

But you do want rings in the long term. Because a fully developed void dweller research hab simply cannot compete. Before you fully unlock rings, the habitats are competing with ruined ring origin which has some advantages but a lot of disadvantages too. 

Worth pointing out that artillery computers might still have a bug or un-communicated design problem that they're using median range for weapons instead of maximum range of their longest range weapons. This means they're actually helping corvettes close the distance instead of trying to pick them off from afar.

If you're using big artillery ships just use carrier computers....again ....for yet another patch I guess.   https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/3-12-2-ship-behavior-looks-broken-esp-artillery-combat-computers.1679953/

In the long term I believe a ring segment has waaay more researchers than you can reasonably get on a habitat. Each district has 15 researchers after all, and with 11+ districts on a segment that's hard to beat. 

Void dweller might have a better research rush immediately after ascension, meaning you might get to rings faster than the actual ringworld start, but I'm unsure. Since you have to either find a ruined ring yourself or construct a ring from scratch. 

That or have a good path to the materialist FE (if it spawned) and confiscate theirs, or roll cybrex.

I'm not sure I see the link between gen 5, and a discord-fluttershy pairing

What are you referring to?