Reading the comments in this thread. I can’t believe that people are complaining about having to vote for Biden. I think that the stakes are a bit high for craving the perfect Democrat.

Does anyone recall the time where some guy said that he could shoot someone in the street and get away with it? We all had a big laugh about it, didn't we. It's not like he could become president and make it legally possible to murder someone.

Frankly looks amazing. I'm glad to have so many good fantasy shows lately.

I can’t stand sports anime either and that’s not strange because I can’t stand sports in general. There are some exceptions, because some shows are trying to tell a different kind of story through sports, such as Girls Und Panzer and Taisho Yakyuu Musume.

Stop panicking and vote for Biden if he stays lol. It’s not a difficult choice.

If anything, this shows that Biden must be doing something right for these rich assholes to turn out against him.

A happy ending is only possible if it is earned, and considering the mire that Jinx is stuck in, she would have to earn a lot.

I’d like to recommend Sakura Quest, which is not quite about history but deals with a problem in Japanese society. Its characters are upbeat but personally I found the show rather depressing.

I paused Netflix but now I’m cancelling altogether. If there’s a tier where people have to view ads then that tier ought to be just free. Still having to pay $6 a month for that lousy a user experience is just outrageous.

Netflix only seems interested in testing for all the sweet spots of how much people are willing to pay and tolerate, all the while having the scale of economy are on its side. And still, I find myself having to go beyond Netflix to find a show it doesn’t serve in my region or has not renewed. This is nonsense and I won’t subscribe anymore.

Witch Hunter Robin, it's like furiously masturbating but not able to climax.

Personally I enjoyed seeing those few people who stuck with Dungeon Meshi have a similar reaction to those people who stuck with the manga. Which is to say, they discovered how awesome it becomes as it goes along. And it's difficult to express how good a show that slowly cooks becomes like Dungeon Meshi without spoiling everything, so I guess that I just have to have faith in other people.

I have to agree that when someone drops something, especially if it's a show that I like, the best attitude to adopt is like, 'okay, bye'. Maybe when I was younger I would have felt slighted because I want to share my love of animation with the world, but these days I realize that I'm not responsible for anyone's taste in shows, or lack thereof. So when I recommend shows a person might like, these days I'm happy with them just taking it or leaving it.

Obviously I'm happy to talk about shows with others who enjoy them.

Jigokuraku and Jujutsu Kaisen. The former has swords and the latter has exorcism.

I think that this is what one sees when one gazes upon the visage of C'thulhu.

Dream of the Endless

Lol I’m into anime and manga, and let me tell you there is no shortage of people in the world who can’t handle anything sexual. If anything, that these things exist gives them reason to get up in the morning to complain. Some people need a monster to slay, even if it was never a monster to begin with.

I think that this is a dumb thing to expect from Joe Biden. Doesn’t it make more sense to watch the debate expecting an old man and adjusting expectations accordingly? And it’s not like Trump did the brilliant thing and whispered sweet things that moderates want to hear. He was very upfront about the idea that another term of him would be as disastrous as his previous.

When the next Trump administration turns America into a smoking hole, are we going to use the excuse that Biden stumbled in the debates, much like how we convinced ourselves that Clinton was worse than Trump?

Get this trash out of existence.

I'm almost certain too that the moment Biden cratered in the debate, a whole lot of accounts appeared on this sub questioning the support of the left, with the intention of making Biden's support waver.

Watched Jon Stewart's brutal take-down of the debate, and while he did not do Biden any favours, I can't expect a comedian to ignore the things he sees. But I really hope that everyone remembered the 4 years of Trump, because Biden stumbling in his speech is not worse than another Trump term.

zoom in on Clayface's crotch

Harley is supposed to be the main character but Clayface keeps stealing the show lol.

I can’t even imagine the slaughter if the Republicans had one moderate left and decided to make them their presidential candidate.

Personally I'm at the point where I don't restrict my recommendations. It doesn't make sense to me except in obvious cases, like if a viewer was underage, or someone declares that they're prudish, and then I would try to cater to their preferences.

But if like a 50 year old comes up to me with an open mind and wants to learn about the silly culture that is anime, then why should I be ashamed of sharing anything that I enjoy? Dude has seen the Gulf Wars and the Twin Towers collapse, I think that they can handle boobs rippling from bullet shock waves in the case of Highschool of the Dead.

I think that there's this undercurrent of shame that runs through the anime fandom, and honestly I think it unhealthy.