Note that the same canisters are depicted with a filled red meter at the end of the movie as well, where they're capturing laughter instead of screams.
That would confront the notion that terror is somehow needed or best, because it ends with laughter being a superior source.
Considering the canisters are filled with gas, it's probably an indicator driven by pressure.
There is no symbolism there, just a functional part of showing the audience that the energy can be collected and stored.

"Yep just drive it up on here and we'll take it from there"


"Thor, not to alarm you but that planet you love so much is about to crack open like a giant egg. Just fyi."

Fun fact: a small slurpee cup at 7 Eleven rings up as "SmallSlur"

Jar Jar had one job and then did the opposite.

The story does big jumps with big gaps in between. It often feels like something's supposed to be happening during those gaps but just isn't for whatever reason, and then when it resumes it's several steps ahead of where it left off.

I wonder if it's because things aren't getting done in time or if bugs prevent some elements from working properly so things just get skipped.

It's an ex application.

I think it was disappointing that they basically had the story on pause for a while, and then only briefly showed a last stand before suddenly destroying the island.

There was a long waiting room followed by a scramble to complete quests, which released a few at a time iirc.

Mostly my complaint is the pacing.

playing minigolf while dodging go-karts

It's probably "This is mom's cooking".

That movie is weird because it seems like it's something that would have spawned a franchise yet instead it's often forgotten about.

The bear bearing arms was shot in his bear arms

Special ammo, blue chest, big pot/large shield, jump pad, spike trap


"Sir, those cards.... they were in Coulson's locker, not his jacket"

Why should they care if you're shooting? If they're abusing glitched walls it's not like you're preventing them from getting trap kills.

The longer the game runs, the worse it'll get.
10 years down the line they'll still be telling players "Sucks to be you, next time you won't wait"
You want to play as your favorite character? Too bad, they were available 6 years ago in 3 month span and will never return again.
(and it's a bit odd when it's explained in a way that makes it sound like that's a good thing. Just because it works doesn't mean it's not exploitative)

I was surprised to see that pop up on D+ because even on the surface, is it just an advertisement for Cheetos? Am I supposed to be excited for an ad for Cheetos?

Not everything's going to be for me, there's a lot of shows I'm not interested in and that's ok. But trying to put a blatant ad in there as if it were just as valid as everything else is weird.

But the company could have someone with the technical experience to write such a thing. They don't need to community to handfeed them papers that would be of limited use due to the writers being out of the loop on development.

AI being trendy is irrelevant unless they had to choose between the two.