Not that it is any of your business but I am a member of the Sierra club.

I don’t understand why anyone kills bears. It’s not like it’s for food. I guess its to feel strong for a second.

I would say Texas is in a race for the bottom but they are the bottom. And other red states are racing to join them.

There is no home in Chicago Heights worth that much. Fight it sir.

He is one cool kid.


Idaho in a race to the bottom.

What’s the black plastic for?

It won’t matter much since none of the news outlets will cover it. Every time trumps farts it on every channel but a speech from the president crickets. We have a serious problem with the media in this country.


Not if the Democrats in that state think it’s a waste of time to vote. It will never change. .

So some believe if you claim to be religious you are a good and honest person. Please many Amish make a good living off of their puppy mills. Now how can you mistreat an animal and call yourself religious?

Sadly my brother has been doing that for a while. I’m not even sure that is safe.

Good luck to them. If trump wins they will all be sent to a concentration camps. And trying to do a case from there willbe impossible.

I hope the car gets away with it and the man throwing the rocks has a horrible, horrible life.