Where I go they recommend 15 but I usually only drop to 20 and have been fine. Have fun and enjoy it!!! Also wash the salt and sand off underneath when you are done. I don’t if where you are going is regulated, but have a tow strap, something flat to put a jack on, a shovel, and tire gauge. Also worth taking some short boards to put under a tire if you do get stuck.

Lots of good info in the comments. Find a facebook group for that specific beach and see what is recommended. I drive on Assateague a lot and failure to air down results in a lot of posts of stuck vehicles. It’s also soft sand with deeper ruts than other beaches. A local group should be able to tell you what is recommended for that specific beach.

But that’s the exact point. OP doesn’t and is asking for the best thing for someone to do in their situation.

Go check out the Assateague Dumb Asses facebook group. Obviously I don’t know about OP’s specific beach, but almost every person stuck is a result of someone not airing down. Sounds like OP is new to this or had a bad experience.

This should be higher. OP - this will resolve it.

Is this a genesis 1 or 2

I bought a new Genesis s-315 (1500568) this year and its been great. Started looking for a griddle insert but I can't find the s315 model listed under either Genesis or Genesis 2. Anyone know what size griddle insert I should be looking for or at least a comparable model with the same dimensions?

My go to is hairspray as others have mentioned but instead of just of ipa, take the sheet and clean it really well with soap and water. While I doubt it’s the cause here, the soap and water helps remove oil from your hands.

My fiancée and I have been playing couch coop from my pc. Same situation, no DnD experience but she has been great! Agree with others, knock the difficulty down and let her make all the decisions. We play for a few hours each Friday night.

Which part of the print was on the bed? Is it possible that you had print adhesion issues and a corner lifted off while printing?

Make sure your nozzle is really clean. Petg is stringy and can easily build up on the bottom. That little bit of can sit between the nozzle and bed during probing and Z height will sit higher than it should.

YMMV. Biggest issue was the HDR firmware. With the EVGA ftw 3080Ti, HDR would enable and then when you turned the computer off and back on again, the monitor would refuse to accept the signal. I would have to hard reset the monitor, boot the pc then enable HDR again which is not a compromise I was willing to make. Plus I hate the aspect ratio. Felt like I was looking at a really wide 24”. Not knocking if it works for people, but it wasn’t for me. Luckily there are options for different preferences.

Man must be an issue with them. My hyperx one looks the same. I bent mine back multiple times and it’s been fine but plan just cutting a cable and soldering to the pads if it finally gives out.

Ooh the human aspect of these questions are more fun than the problem itself. Let’s make an assumption that everything OP said is 100% true and that it wasn’t lifted out of an e-recycling bin. Schools, universities, government produces an incredible amount of e-waste. Sometimes it gets donated, sometimes sold off the by the pound, occasionally given to employees. The reality is that the IT team at a local schools are probably not raking in a lot money and probably don’t really have a lot of extra time. If they knew OP took this and agreed to jump through the hoops to remove the MDM enrollment, OP would go tell all their friends and then IT would be spending more time unenrolling iPads then doing what they need to for operations. By refusing it, sets the expectation they won’t and then word of mouth will get out not to bother asking.

If it’s in an mdm solution, it’s not controlled locally. Every time a device is started up in a new state (reset or whatever) it reaches out to apple to check if it’s in enrolled someplace. Plenty of forums out there have info on this already if you search phones and tablets mdm. It’s a precaution to stop both theft or just users from performing resets. In theory it’s working exactly as designed.

Even if you reach out to Apple, you would need to provide evidence of ownership.

Edit: this is also assuming mdm enrollment is the case (usually it is). With out a picture of what your are seeing, this is all assumptions.

It’s probably enrolled in a Mobile Device Management solution. If that is the case, there is not much you can do, the school IT would have to release it.

OSV Facebook pages are reporting it is already buried.

Are you at the start of act 3? If so read the goal on the screen. First play through I made the mistake of fighting but there are some instructions on there that tell you what to do.

That’s probably what this is then.

I tried a bunch but I think that this is what I ultimately went with.

Its a pipe clamp mount made for small cameras.

Arm can be found here, but I did 3dprint a vesa to 1/4 20 adapter to make it work together.

I did remove one of the arms on the mount itself to make it shorter but its not designed to be removed so I would not recommend doing that.

Getting things like speakers and monitor feet off the desk make a big difference. I had speakers directly on the desk before and they took up so much space.