I saw the same complaint recently, it might still not be fixed

Spin to Win has caused the You're On The Go issue a lot for uk users.

You're not the first lol, blame Microsh!t

At this point I'm not gonna bother getting anything new for my av lmao

Besides i like the way it is rn

What about those annoying "since you searched for" ads that shill some shitty obscure band's song when you look literally any music up? No, I don't want to listen to your shitty cover. No, I don't want to subscribe. It's always the same 5 songs that get shoved in my face. That one kids bop song, some shitty v-tubers cover of "In the Stars" and a few others.

A while ago I tried to look up a tyler the creator song (smth off flowerboy, don't remember) and got an ad for out of all things a furry podcast lmao

(Here's an image, I'm sending it as a link because this sub doesn't allow images in comments: no bloom i will not subscribe, go away )

same and i never watch this shit mostly music or random meme videos

Make a new playlist that just has that, then when finished with the video remove it from the playlist. It won't force you into a mix even though the playlist is only 1 video long.

I use this to bypass forced mixes ALL THE TIME since yt likes to put them on for videos that got wrongly flagged by the algorithm as being music

I know how to bypass mixes when I just want to listen to one song.

Before you open the video, tap on the dots, make a new playlist with just that song, play the playlist then delete the song from it when you're finished listening. It won't force you into a mix as you're already in a playlist.

Ride speaks like its a bible verse in beware. The lyrics feel like they were lifted from some scripture or written by an ancient god.

The fact you didnt say teddy implies this guy should fuck a real bear LOL

At this point just buy a xbox thats already been RGH'ed 💀🙏

nah what character was it?

was it like a normal generic kids plushie or a fumo or sometbing

Doesn't matter. You shouldn't be automating at all.

It doesn't matter. Microsoft can and will detect, then ban, you for botting. Sure their systems are faulty and I lost my old acc because they accused me of botting. But still.

I've been getting lazy for the past few days and only doing the daily set quests with a few searches whenever I need to.

Anyways, 12,051. I was able to get the puzzle bonus so yay.

I'm quitting rewards soon, the nerfs don't make it as worthwhile. I've already bought tons of games so far, plan to spend the points I've been hoarding up for a long while on... Honestly, I'm not sure yet.

Microsoft will. They'll ban your account for automation.


The fхlt3r was already enough of a nuisance but now I can't even have a decent rp without it barging in mid sentence


Do so. They might seem weird at first but there's almost no music like them lol