“Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times”

Alright here’s a question I haven’t seen asked yet: how old are each of you? The older your answers, the worse it is for each of you. The older she is, the more she needs to learn to take care of herself and not be co-dependent. 25 and younger is a bit more reasonable, but older than 25 and that’s just getting ridiculous. The older you are, the more you need to learn how to properly communicate with your partner. The goodness and badness of your communication skills is more determined in this case by the number of relationships you’ve had rather than how old you might be. And if you haven’t had very good relationships to look back on, maybe it’s time to figure out how to MAKE a relationship good.

Absolutely speak up. If they value your opinion and input as a friend who knows them well(?) and has known them (much?) longer than the person they’re dating(?), then honesty is the best route. A year is suuuuch a small amount of time. I’ve been with my girlfriend for just over 2 years now, I’m 32 and want kids, she’s 29 and unsure, but neither of us are anywhere near wanting marriage or children yet. If he wants kids and has had to be told NOT to propose by her, then I definitely sense pressure from him.

Okay real answer? Get art that shows off your personality and your interests. Whenever I see art of random designs and flowers and stuff in a home, it just comes off to me like I’m inside an IKEA or the Truman show or something.

I only ever got close to death in honor mode one time, and it was when I thought “I’ll take care of the owlbear mum early since I know how that plays out…” I never underestimated a boss fight again in honor mode.

Oh, also, when I fought the inquisitor, Laezel turned on me at that EXACT moment because I refused to give up the artifact as my Paladin. So I did the inquisitor fight with only 3 players, and had to fight my gloomstalker/assassin rogue girlfriend at the same time. THAT was insane, but awesome.

I wanna make a Druid called Bark Durge

No one talking about how she asked if she’s out of his league? That’s a pretty big red flag of a narcissist. She thinks she’s too good for you and wants validation from others. Get out now.

Without looking at your picture, yes…yes I could have told you your favorite pokemon…

You’ve been together for two years and he’s been on deployment for 20+ months? Sounds like you made the right decision for multiple reasons.

Also, I’m incredibly close with my parents and have a psychology degree, so I’ve even asked them if they still have a healthy sex life as they get up in age. My mom actually got awkward, which is hilarious because we’re all constantly trying hard to embarrass one another. Close parent relationships are wonderful.

Daurk Aurge. I wanted simple but goofy.

  1. You’re just tidy. I see no reason to make your room look more masculine.
  2. Fuck her. It’s YOUR room. Own who you are. Don’t change for some girl at 17yo.
  3. This should be titled “…need honest advice on how to teach this girl what ‘negging’ is and why not to do it.”
  4. Seriously don’t change things about yourself because of one person’s words/opinion. Asking for advice makes sense, but the fact that you mention in the description what can and can’t stay makes it sound like you automatically agree with her.

Neo Destiny. Think of all the shining Pokemon!

MY biggest gripe is the fact that they somehow made “choice” an “illusion of choice”, and then an “illusion of illusion of choice” once you become able to romance someone. I missed the romance achievement and had to do a second play-through just to get it because they made the romance option “option 2” in a single dialogue line, for every single companion. So for 99% of the dialogue in the game, it does not matter what you choose, so you may as well just mash “A” to get through (cuz there’s also a TON of dialogue). But then for one single option per companion, you need to be paying attention at the right moment to choose the correct option, which is never option 1…

Honestly, at the same rate I notice men’s nipples. Any pokey nipples are noticed. It has nothing to do with gender.

I’m confused why so many commenters are just immediately agreeing with you on this considering nowhere in your post do you actually confirm seeing porn on his phone before, during, or after going Australian in the sheets. I absolutely agree that he is being shady and obviously hiding something, but this post is very much confirmation basis on the porn front.

Break up with him because you don’t trust him, plain and simple. You’re 25. Your life is just beginning. Don’t spend another second of it with someone who takes any part of you for granted.

I pulled a demigod pack with the Charizard line in it, which has gotta be the highest goal to reach with this pack. But did that make me stop buying packs from this set? Noooo of course not 🥲

In Japan, there’s only 6 cards to a pack and you can pull 2 sets of the special illustration arts (like both the blastoise evolutions AND the venasaur evolutions). Those are called god packs. In the US, you can pull one full set of special illustrations like you did, and it’s called a demigod pack. It’s a 1/1300 chance. I pulled a Charizard demigod pack a few weeks ago and lost my mind, which is why I know all this now 😁

This is the most wholesome interaction involving compliments from strangers on the internet I’ve seen in awhile. Thanks for today.

I am a man with a pretty low sex drive, and the comments on this post would make me feel ashamed of myself for it. Luckily I have higher self esteem and am comfortable with who I am, but I digress.

There may be something medically wrong like low testosterone, but he may just have a low sex drive. I don’t think it’s wrong for that to change the “perfectness” of a relationship if the other person doesn’t align with that same drive. I personally just don’t think about sex very often, and would much rather do other things with the time in my day than spend a large percentage of it for sex every day/week. But I also personally don’t think that it would be wrong if my partner took issue with that if she felt she needed more from me. I would want to know that it’s something I should work on improving for her benefit, or I would want to see a doctor to see if it’s something that I can physiologically change, and I would be open to communication about the relationship if we couldn’t find a compatible solution.

If you want to achieve the solution of having more sex together and him initiating it more often, here are my suggestions from someone like him, who “struggles” with it in a similar way: 1. You have the motivation for it. He doesn’t. Communicate with him about it, then do the research yourself and provide him possible tactics on how to initiate better or feel more comfortable doing so. Trying to change my desires and/or my actions is already a daunting task, so any help along the way helps immensely in my book. 2. Do not shame him or admonish his attempts to do what you are asking. If you want him to initiate more, and when he does, you ask to stop the sex, you are very actively hurting your chances that he will do it again anytime soon. 3. Laugh with him, not at him. Sex is fun and should be an enjoyable activity. Making it too serious of a thing can be stressful for someone who is already stressing about multiple other aspects to it, I.e, desire, effort, etc. 4. Finally, already said this once, but communication is key. Understanding one another better and WANTING to understand one another better are so important for a healthy relationship. Express to him exactly how big of a problem this is to you, and go from there to work together towards your desired solution. It’s obviously a big problem to you, so if you express that to him, he should treat it like a big problem as well because you’re his partner. If he treats it like it isn’t a big deal or that it’s YOUR problem to bear, a different relationship conversation may need to happen instead. Hope this helps.

Finished my honor mode run a bit ago, so not sure if this still works, but if you split the gold up in a merchants inventory, it stays separated in smaller stacks so pickpocketing becomes much safer, just super tedious. I would split up the gold into stacks of 40-60 each, then pickpocket all of it at DC 1-3, then immediately fast travel to camp and back again to avoid any aggro from the merchant. And if you do this whenever it’s time to level up, then each level-up you do will reset their stock. So with 4 party members, you could spend 20min to steal, level, steal, level, steal, level, steal, level, steal, and walk away cleannnnn. Say hello to anything you couldn’t afford to just buy before lol

I don’t think the biggest deal here is the amount of time you waited to “cash in”. Because let’s face it, if you’re wondering WHY you did it, it’s because you’ve been holding onto this “get-out-of-jail-free card” for years and pretending to yourself and your wife that you wouldn’t ever use it. But I think the biggest deal is that she cheated on you with just some random guy while out drinking. You cheated on her with your ex, who you for some reason still talk to after years of marriage and is the only person you spoke to when your then-gf cheated on you in the first place. That’s way way worse. I’m glad you both are so incredibly communicative because I think if anything will keep your relationship “healthy” and moving forward, it’s that. But yeah, I’d recommend cutting ties with the ex entirely, otherwise you and your wife are BOTH going to worry that this will happen again.

Mew has always been one of my favorite Pokémon. Just so cute and goofy 🙃