My larger problem is the Internet as a whole and that my tolerance for even one more retarded viral video is very low at the end of the day.

I get fatigued by all this stuff sometimes.

I don't feel superior for it I just feel I'm protecting my mental health as libtarded as that seems.

Idk I get what you're saying about Doja mostly doing pop but she has shown she has rapping chops and from pretty early on since she blew up she's deliberately switched shit up and tried to highlight her versatility and how she will do and go wherever she pleases creatively. Her "pop" career has been anything but a basic one. It feels wrong to label her one genre over another to me she's so multi talented and multi faceted

She didn't ask to be saved from them she asked what to do for them now that they're already there.

Yes exactly. I admittedly don't share everything. It's selective like it is for most people...and it's probably not healthy to air all your dirty laundry so I'm not judging people for only posting the positive stuff. But social media isn't reality and Britney can use it however she wants. She hasn't hurt anybody

Yes that does seem strange. Unfortunately sometimes I can't give female advice because I will hear a story where the woman is acting in a way I just can't relate. If I was that uninterested randomly making out wouldn't really be something I'd do. Unless she was just objectifying you and thinking about how you're hot stuff the whole date and could care less what was coming out of your mouth. Abruptly ending the make out session is also confusing then. But I have done that in the past when I was feeling it but didn't want to put out the first night. Maybe that's it

Please tell me even men find this pathetic and weak

Someone who isn't rich or at the very least wasn't rich for a significant part of their adulthood.

The way both candidates responded to the question at the debate about rising food costs made it very clear to me how distanced both are from that issue. It's just another talking point for them. Neither of them truly understand the way most normal Americans live or struggle.

Exactly. Especially after everything she's been through and how she's had to deal with the weight of everyone's thoughts and expectations about everything she has ever done since she was literally just a girl

It's also easy for women to make $ and get sexual attention making porn but I highly doubt her boyfriend would be comfortable with her doing this.

Do none of you see a problem with the way he expects her to cover up while jacking to naked women behind her back despite her explicitly asking him not to?

Not a man but since you mentioned you've chosen him and dressing modestly for him I feel compelled to respond because so many men have not even addressed that component as if it doesn't matter

He's choosing porn over you. Sure, it doesn't have to be a choice, you don't have to ask him to make it, but now you know if given the choice which one he chooses. So keep that in mind when he asks you to cover your body so that YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE between him and the sexual attention of other men. He's asking you to give that up while he refuses to stop giving other women sexual attention behind your back.

There's really nothing you can do about his behavior besides decide if you can live with this. If you stopped having sex with him altogether he'd watch it, and while you're giving him frequent sex he's still watching it. Clearly his usage has nothing to do with you and is a choice on his part.

I won't lie to you it's a situation you will find yourself in with the majority of modern men but if it's not something you're willing to put up with that's perfectly ok. Don't let anyone tell you you're being unreasonable because at the end of the day your partner has expectations of you as well. You met them and you were honest while he has lied to you.

If I were you at the very least I'd stop covering up in public for his sake and if he wants to say it's different because porn isn't real life ask him how much real time he spends using it. Better yet, let him know he's right and that you will not court male sexual attention IRL. That you will do it strictly online and make an onlyfans so while he's jacking it to other women you have men jacking it to you. See how comfortable he is with that and I think you will have your answer

How does that work out later in life when your partner is old and less visually appealing?

You may want to use a good lotion right before going in the water but chlorine and saltwater will always slowly wash off your tanner

When she went dead silent you should have said. "Thoughts?" And if she didn't answer and expected another question should have said..."I want to know what you thought about my answer. I gave you feedback don't skimp out on me" were you scared to ask her for what you really wanted or just expecting her to know?

To be fair when we tell you guys we have to repeat ourselves over and over again. Sometimes we expect you to know because we've already told you. Men aren't the best listeners lol

I only get that way when I know I'm talking to someone judgemental

This is exactly why it's between Trump and Biden. You get the presidential candidates you deserve