I once misidentified a breed of horse. Horse people aren’t usually all there. I started calling all horses llamas. My roommates joined in and that just what all horses are now, llamas. Yes, it upsets the horse people.

If they try to correct you and tell you this long ass horse breed just say, “so like a special edition llama?” It works every time.

You're voting for what Vice-President you want to win. At this point, I doubt either make it through their last term.

edit: punctuation

I finally had a legit HR recruiter from a large company reach out to me after all these years on Linked. I went to apply for the job on their website. I did not click on the link just in case it was fake. An hour after I applied I got an email saying the position has been filled. Not, “no longer available”, but “filled.” I’m so confused and slightly sad right now.

It would likely be house arrest. The rich don’t suffer or get punished like we do.

“Ten will get you twenty.” It was an old way to sell food stamps when they were physical paper or gift cards. You give me $10 cash and you get $20 in stamps or a gift cards etc. I think due to the economy the margins may have changed.

You know those anti bull fighting videos where they show a bull not attacking people if they just stand there? Yeah, I think there might be a bit more to standing still.


I like having a variety of cards because I build homebrews. Sometimes I will pick a couple cards and try to make something fun.

The upside to this is you get to play against other jank decks rather than the current meta decks. Having more cards available gives me the freedom to try out different decks. So I try to collect everything as I play.

I don’t see an article. Just a picture that says “News.” Sounds like a rage bait post.

I’ve watched several seasons of people working in The Office. Not too bad at all.

I mean… it already smells like a toilet (unzip pants).

Exactly, he will get out of any punishment by blaming an intern running his account. He’ll fire the intern, be warned about who runs his official social media accounts, and nothing will happen.

Flip the photo upside down. They’re all smiling!

Let me guess; down and out fighter, constant pain, drugs, alcohol, disfunctional relationship with a family member (bonus points if it's a deadbeat dad trope or ex), and struggles to cope with no longer fighting everything that gets in his way. "You don't understand, I'm a fighter... I fight" kinda stuff.

edit: bonus points if he punches a wall in anger.

I don’t even need to see the bad guy winning. Sometimes things just end and life goes on.

But she’s not like anyone else in the castle! You gotta watch to see her transform into the person she’s destined to be. /s

It’s like a Jack Black role. He’s the outrageous outsider who won’t conform to your rules. In the end he bends, finds some sort of love interest, and everyone claps.

I’m sure his agent will shoehorn him into a serious movie at some point and his marketing team will spam memes and posts about how it’s “proof” he has range.

I have no idea what the new Zendaya movie is about. The only trailers I’ve seen for it basically implies she’s gonna get spit roasted/Eiffel Towered by two dudes. That scene seems to be what marketing is hoping brings in the audience.

Porn is free and everywhere. I’m not going to hunt down what a movie is about or go see it because of implied sex.

It's likely to keep people from trying to lift her fingerprints. A lot of weird folks out there as well.

I rewatched one and loved it. I couldn’t get through two. The fact they had to dial it down sucked. I wish I didn’t rewatch the second movie and left it on the list of films I should have left alone.

Oh sweet baby Jesus, you’re right. I completely missed that part.

I’m assuming it’s the episode where Hal (voiced by Drew Carey) started hanging out with Hank. Dale got jealous and followed Hank. Dale then says what’s happening into a tape recorder.

Edit: fixed name


I thought the symbols on the cards were clear enough on what they did. You could also hover your cursor over the card and it told you in large print what it did. Did they really need to add this obnoxious eye sore over the card art?

Were that many people not reading the cards that WotC felt they needed to dumb the game down further?

This bitch wore out the ending of the VHS of "Old Yeller."