NEVER use cooking wine. Always use wine that you would drink in recipes. Cooking wine is never good for drinking OR cooking.

Yeah, dude - I was (and am) all about the beard. Very sexy. But then I saw the smile in the last pic and I’m torn. You are very fine, either way. .

I have no idea cuz you’re sexy.

You’re going to look good either way. Very nice beard and beautiful eyes (and lashes), bro.

I know. I’m waiting for him to ask for my #.

Good strategy. Also, throw a rubber band around your wrist and, every time you catch yourself ripping on yourself, snap that sucker HARD!

Always remember, confidence and kindness are WAY sexier than looks. You’ve got this. Life wasn’t meant for you (or any of us) to “fit in”. Life was meant to be grabbed by the balls and given a good shake.

lantech, you’re probably hot af