Dig deep enough and you might be able to find Q morons praising Ferdinand Marcos.

I wonder how she'd react to that.

States: governed by laws

Legislatures: pass laws

Attorneys General: enforce laws

People who treat politics like it's a fashion choice : 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Interesting that you used Taiwan in this example and not an actual conflict that happened - Russia invading Ukraine - which Trump claims he would end by ceding land to Russia - while Biden has been steadfast in supporting our ally.

I wonder if you asked her, as an immigrant, if any American president "sent" her to America.

I talked to a union guy I used to work with, about an upcoming project we're going to be working on. We wound up shooting the shit about politics because of course.

He mentioned the debate and said, I'm trying to quote him accurately here, "yeah it looked bad, but none of the people I watched it with want him out. They're all doubled down on Biden and pissed."

It's just shorthand for "I don't actually follow politics and want to look smart."

To your point, pick any policy area and really drill down into it's history and what the organizations that advocate in those policy areas say and which candidates they support - and you'll find the US Democratic Party consistently taking the progressive stance.

Saying "so what" is a good tactic. I haven't done this specifically to this bullshit line yet but I'm close to only replying "your political opinion is worthless because you don't know what your state legislators are voting on."

87% of Democratic primary voters chose Biden.

None of what you just wrote will happen

You should find a local campaign at mobilize.us if you want to do something useful

Also a former two term president can't be vice president.

Trump invented "executive time" so he could watch TV and tell people what to tweet for him.

a climate bill is nothing to boast about

Touch grass

Also worth bearing in mind that the failures of the Dems to deliver for working class people is partly what draws those people to the likes of Trump with his simplistic solutions and easy scapegoats.

Do you think that if Congress was able to pass the PRO Act in 2022 that white people who hate black and gay people would have voted for Democrats in the 2022 election?

Thank you for pointing this out.

Also, under the Biden administration, the Biden Department of Labor and Biden National Labor Relations Board have taken actions that have made union organizing much easier, and there have been many more successful union recognition elections and much stronger union collective bargaining agreements.

But terminally online "leftists" who are totally going to burn down a Walmart to free Palestine will just say "whatabout the rail unions" and claim to be involved in a mutual aid society (they're not).

Do you think Joe Biden wants to bomb Palestine

-pansexual 20 year olds that have never had sex or "relationships" that weren't long distance

He's only making it harder on himself if he tries to start independent.

If he's serious about it he needs to talk to a local union to get it going.