tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for a flair

Where did y’all get these emojis?

tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for a flair


Thanks! This helped a lot. I’ll try to do a card show soon 👍

I like the design. The glow on it is pristine!

What is the difference between Series One/Two and Archives Signature? Are they both as good to get to start building a solid collection. I like refractor cards, autographs and cool insert designs. I don’t really care for patches unless it comes with an autographs

If I wanted to spend $100 and buy MLB Series one and two. Where and what should I be looking for? I’ve made my own research but I’m still not convinced I got the right options. I read hobby box has the best chase cards but it’s a bit steep in price. I was thinking maybe retail $12.99 hangers but is that even a good option?

Which locals? Are these locals in the room with us. Media thinks we believe anything.

I hate their overly saturated images. Players starting to look deep fried with end stage liver disease. Graphics need to get their shit straight

She would see them every night too. Wild. Growing up I used to be able to see the top of a hill outside my window and there was a black shape at the top. It was a lonely yucca tree,no biggie but at night it would look creepy AF.

I’ve done those walks throughout my life. Too many for my liking. Definitely feel your prime instinct kick in

Got to love it when stretching starts, full yoga sesh