Yeah let’s go back to the “Should I open these?” posts.

Take your comment back to instagram.

I can tell that you enjoy the fact that no one likes you.

Same here, me and the gang actually get together every Tuesday to chill at the slippy spot on I-90.

Yeah this guy would have avoided the accident if he didn’t have the “right of way mentality”. Oh wait…

It’s not just you, there’s a whole incel community.

Edit: u/tha-beater said something along the lines of them all being disgusting. Then callled me an alcoholic, then deleted all of his comments throughout the thread.

That doesn’t look like 16 people. Link?

You only focusing on that and not even acknowledging the car causing a huge hazard by stopping in between two lanes says a lot about your own driving.

Every video a few years ago had your comment and a 😂 face across it. I forgot how much I hated that.

If you need more context, you should read the context.

I got bees on my head