this is a good guess but no :( missing that gore flesh element

[WINDOWSPC] [UNKNOWN] alien space demo game with a female protagonist

Platform(s): Windows PC maybe from the 2000-2009

Genre: scifi first person shooter horror scary

Estimated year of release: maybe around late 90s to 2008 im not sure

Graphics/art style: 3D very much like ur typical first person shooter game. it was fighting aliens in space, very gory and bloody. i remember needing to pass thru high tech areas to get into the flesh like places? thats where i’d encounter the aliens. i think the icon on the windows screen was green too

Notable characters: a woman protagonist tight clothing not too busty gal but she gave almost bayonetta esq? she would speak at the menu screen and have her sound affects in the game

Notable gameplay mechanics: strong guns the game i played was a demo so it was short. i think my brother had it installed but not sure he remembers. there was a mixed element of high tech like computers/space shippy and the gruesome flesh walls

Other details: i cannot for the life of me remember this game everyone i ask cant find it. mightve been a smaller game that was only a demo and never got published idk. but i remember the graphics being pretty good and it was a scary game when i played in youth. just remember woman protagonist wore black skin tight clothing had alot of artillery to fight against the aliens and it was a demo so short game. the windows pc early 2000s - 2008ish it was definitely installed onto the computer somehow i thought it was preinstalled as an ad

yup been swf and it keeps saying killer / host disconnected even though it’s not intentional.