No man wants a woman who’s been ran through by 30 men. It’s not classy and that’s not a women you bring home to your family.

While simultaneously getting us into 2 foreign conflicts 😂

Post it. Full video I want context and all. No cherry picking.

Something something kids growing up in a racial jungle

Ukraine, Middle East, inflation being dummy high, brink of WW3.

If you think Biden is better buddy, you’re blind as a bat

A vote for Biden is very unpatriotic.

Most of the LGBT community is radicalized. It’s on all sides of the spectrum

Mods, no hate but can we ban this dude? Or at least give him a pinned post he can edit instead of constantly coming onto peoples posts and just shitting on them for choosing this career path?

Like buddy - you’re salty you went into massive debt and probably aren’t doing a good enough job to pay back your loans, that’s on you there are ways to get it paid for. The fact you didn’t do your research well enough before going to school is on you

“racial jungle” “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids”

I will probably be banned for this comment. Was a good run 🫡

Are you still genning Pokémon? If so how much?

Smells like a case of both him and her not being 100% honest. If she had evidence she would’ve pursued it and vice versa

Weren’t those allegation proven false after court or something

LOL your profile is hilarious you really are rebel

You need help lady I feel sorry for your husband he has to deal with you