If you intend on staying in California and want to pursue a career in finance, apply to Berkeley Haas or USC Marshall.

Israel funded Hamas right before October 7th to delegitimize the Palestinian plight

Bus Admin or Accounting and Finance for IBQuestion

I’m trying to decide between Bus Admin with an emphasis on Finance or Accounting and Finance. My goal is to break into IB. I want to learn a technical skill to keep fall back options open, while also keeping my gpa as high as possible. I want to minor in Applied Analytics or Computer Science as well. Based on this, which major would be a better fit for me, and why?

ISE vs Business Question

Hello everyone,
I'll be attending USC Marshall for Bus Admin this fall. However, I've been getting mixed reviews on majoring in Bus Admin. I've been told that it's a useless degree with no technical skills. I've been thinking about switching to Industrial and Systems Engineering instead, since I could still get an MBA or MSF in the future (not the other way around with Business). I hope to work in IB/PE in the future, but I'd like a major to fall back on in case those aspirations don't work out. Could I still recruit for finance roles with an ISE degree (as long as I join the right clubs)? What do you guys think, ISE or Business?


USC Marshall has a better alumni network (that's kind of our thing).

Pro Summer Tips for an Incoming FreshmanQuestion

Hey guys,
I'm an incoming freshman at USC majoring in Business Admin this fall. I was hoping to see if ya'll had any tips for what we should be doing over the summer before the school year starts. For example, it could be anything from specific cc courses we should take over the summer to avoid weeder classes, programs we should apply for before the school year starts, types of technology we should consider investing in (ipad, macbook, windows), etc.?


Both programs are currently not accepting internal transfers :(

Had a friend who appealed and they actually gave him less money. Tread carefully and fight on.

Accepted to Cornell, USC, and UVA

Studying: Business/Econ

Math: Multivariable Calculus & Linear Algebra (combined year-long course)

That's what this sub is all about, what you mean "good authority." If you're looking for "good authority," look elsewhere.

You asked for me to be as judgmental as I want…

Unless you win ISEF, donate a couple million dollars, or cure cancer, have a very minimal chance of getting in. There are other schools in the US you should consider, but Stanford and Caltech are both extremely selective to US applicants… let alone an Indian international.

Both of the schools you mentioned, especially Caltech, care more about research, winning science/math competitions, and high marks than anything. Art competitions and a podcast are good add-ons, but won't help you.

I would suggest looking for alternative schools and applying to Stanford and Caltech for a master’s or PhD. As a senior, there's not much you can do anymore…

Wishing you the best of luck!

3.7 unweighted #stillgotintousc gang

Maybe in terms of premed, but generally speaking, USC is ahead of UNC in prestige

That's shrewd of you. A little irrelevant, but would an industrial engineering double major with Bus Admin work? I heard that both fields are very similar.

If the price is the same, USC. If it isn't, Emory. It seems like Emory gave you a lot more money. The decision is clear as day.

why did you choose computer programming over computer science?

Chat, are the @GeorgetownSFS @USCMarshall @nyustern kids wrong?