Carnivore 6-9 years

I was keto for more than a year when I started carnivore, so my experience and take on it is a bit different than people who may go straight into carnivore.

Because I was coming from keto, I was used to eating a lot of fat. So just eating by taste and cravings worked for me. If I craved more fat, I ate fattier things and if I craved more lean things, I ate more lean.

For most people after a lifetime of everybody screaming that fats are unhealthy and we should limit fat intake, at the beginning they tend to just under eat fats if they go by taste and cravings. Because they’ve never experienced eating enough fat consistently for a long time, so they have no idea of what fat cravings and eating enough fat feels like.

I experienced this in my early weeks of keto and had to intentionally eat lots of fat.

I have some rendered fats like tallow and ghee that I sometimes use in cooking but I don’t use it as a main source of nutrition and fats. I use it because I’m pan frying something and don’t want it to stick to the pan.

For getting fat I just eat fattier cuts of meat. And a delicacy I enjoy eating is BBQing lamb/beef fat cubes in a skewer. I would cut the fat into half inch cubes and use a narrow steel skewer to cook them over charcoal. The exterior would turn crispy while interior is moist.

For me seeing noticeable results from carnivore was fast, because I was already fully fat adapted to being with.

Humans are supposed to always be in ketosis and that’s our bodies primary metabolism.

Unfortunately modern diet and lifestyle keeps people on sugar metabolism all the time and many people rarely experience their bodies primary mode of metabolism.

If someone has put their body through that kind of abuse for decades, they have some catching up to do with their bodies, metabolism and developing a healthy relationship with food. For some people this may take weeks, for some it may take months or even a couple years for the body to recover from all that abuse.

Nourish your body for a long time with what it’s supposed to be fed, and give it some time to recover from all those years of eating what your body didn’t want to be fed with.

It’s important to eat the right things, but it’s way more important to not eat the wrong things.

Our bodies are made up of the things we’ve been eating in the past years. When we stop eating inflammatory and poisonous things, they don’t just go away. You’re just not adding to what’s already there. It will take years for the body to recycle itself and replace all those tissues with newly built tissues.

And things like oxalates may even stay in the body for decades.

And even after all tissues are recycled, there may be some damage that's not going to easily go away.

For example sugar, if you stop eating sugar, after a few days your body has already got rid of all the sugar. But the inflammation, oxidative damage to the tissues and insulin resistance is here to stay for a while longer.

It's fascinating that we're constantly feeding our bodies the wrong things and it's always fighting ti get rid of them and our body still sort of functions after all that abuse.

It's only after we stop feeding the body crap that it tries to get rid of, that it gets the space to put it's resources into things other than trying to get rid of crap.

Maybe grow taller and get some biceps?

Carnivore 6-9 years

You're on the right track. 👌🏻

I'm street 42 and wear 41 souped up, what size do you think would be good for me?

Carnivore 6-9 years

Yeah it's basically because I was severely underweight and weak to begin with. I can't put on that much muscle that fast now.

Now maybe I can put on a kilo or two of muscle in a year with very disciplined training and eating.

Now days they can make conventional eggs any color they want.

People go Carnivore to cure the very issues you mentioned you have.

You just have to be aware of oxalate dumping and manage it properly.

You can watch these two short videos about autoimmune diseases and how Carnivore effects them:




Agriculture depletes soil in the land.

Grazing ruminant animals can enrich the soil.

Decades of agriculture makes soil so depleted that nothing grows on it, unless you add chemical fertilizers into it which are produced from fossil fuels.

Even in nature if there are no ruminant animals to graze on a grassland, that grassland turns into desert after a while.

You might ask what is so magical about ruminants?

They have something called rumen. They eat fiberous plants and get it to their rumen. In the rumen there is bacteria, algae, little bugs and other micro organisms that would eat the the fibers and produce some byproducts. The animal then would absorb some of the byproducts and would return some of the byproducts to the soil in it's faeces. These byproducts are very important for keeping the soil fertile.

I'm really simplifying things, but this is just one piece of it. There are many other factors as well that contribute into eating animals being more sustainable than eating plants...


And that's why it's called my unpopular opinion.

Because it goes contrary to the popular belief.


We should all only eat animal based foods and eating plants is not sustainable and ruins the environment on the long run.

When I saw my numbers shoot up in the gym just a few weeks after switching to the Carnivore diet. I felt strong and my nerve pain significantly improved to the point of getting off of taking pain killers every 6 hours. I had better balance and could easily run up the stairs.

Please post if you find some good sources of high quality meat for raw consumption.

I live in Amsterdam and have tried eating raw meat from butchers and from super markets. None of them feels as good as the fresh killed grass fed meats I got when living in country side and getting meat from local butcher in the village.

Carnivore 6-9 years

I don't do fasting, I start eating when I'm hungry and eat until meat doesn't taste good to me, which usually turns out to be two meals a day.

I do consume bone broth and organ meats occasionally when I can get my hands on fresh high quality stuff.

Carnivore 6-9 years

Yeah it makes me excited. 😋 My brain neurons light up when thinking about lamb brain.

Carnivore 6-9 years

I went from being skinny-fat at 54kg to having a six-pack at 65kg. My climbing improved after gaining weight, but that’s because I was severely underweight and weak for my height (173cm).

In my personal experience, it’s been really easy to lose fat and gain muscle on the Carnivore diet.

Carnivore 6-9 years

1) I had bowel issues before Carnivore. In the past I was either constipated or had diarrhea. When switching to carnivore it initially got worse and I diarrhea for a week or two. Then my bowel issues completely resolved.

2) I made my own bone broth and tallow, for jerkies I sometimes found things that where pure beef and salt. But it's hard to come by such things. And I usually prefer to just eat half cooked fresh meat rather than old dried products.

3 & 4) After years of living this lifestyle I think it's the way we're supposed to eat. Any other way of eating is not natural. It's like putting diesel in a petrol car. It may work, but I don't even want to try. All the evidence points out to the fact that historically our ancestors were hyper carnivores. I think Carnivore should be the default standard for everyone and any other form of eating should be the exception. And it's actually better for the environment and more sustainable to eat grazing ruminants.

Most people would get sick in the long run if they don't regularly consume animal based fat and protein.

5) Get what you can afford and what is accessible to you. Store-bought grain-fed meat is significantly more nutritious than anything that isn’t animal-based. If you can easily get grass-fed meat from a local rancher who treats the animals well, that would be optimal. However, don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good by not eating meat just because you can’t get the best quality.

6) usually two meals a day. I don't have a preplanned eating schedule. I just start eating when I get hungry and stop eating when meat no longer tastes good to me because I'm too full to be able to eat more. This usually leads to two meals a day for me. But sometimes one meal or three to five meals a day. And my meals are whatever is available and I like, which is usually steak and BBQ. I don't restrict my eating or count macros. I eat all kinds of fatty meat that tastes good to me. If you want to have an idea of how much food I'm eating in a day, I'm 65kg/143lbs 173cm/5'8" and I eat 1 to 2 kg of meat a day. (2.5 to 4.5 lbs). Many people do Carnivore to loose weight, I gained a lot of muscle while on carnivore and it involved a lot of eating and consistently training. (I went from skinny fat at 54kg to having six-pack at 65kg)

If you have any questions or want resources or references feel free to ask and I'll post the links for those.

Carnivore 6-9 years

No I don’t get cravings now.

But I did get cravings early on. And whenever I got cravings I would eat nice fatty meat and the cravings would go away.

If I knew what I know now, I would have started Carnivore diet when I was in my mother's womb.

I think so. As long as it doesn’t cause any issues and you can tolerate it, why not?

For me it didn’t work in the beginning when I was still healing my body. But now I have eggs sometimes.

Carnivore 6-9 years

There are major improvements but skin problems are nowhere near fully gone.

Carnivore 6-9 years

I have seborrheic dermatitis which worsened early on when I was oxalate dumping.

Over the years my skin has improved slowly but it took a long time and the positive effects where not immediate.

Now my skin is a lot better but it took a really long time for it to get better.

Carnivore 6-9 years

My mental energy is always stable. Before the diet I used to be on an energy roller coaster and would have trouble concentrating.

Whenever I got any cravings I would go and eat the tastiest meat I could get my hands on. And after a few months I'm just getting cravings for meat.

Now if I see a sheep or a cow grazing in the bushes, seeing it would make me crave for meat. 😋