:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

fr though! especially if they respect her queerness too (I love your username btw!)

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

Lots of people seem to have forgotten an incredibly important line from pink pony club: “where boys and girls can all be queens every single day.”

Chappell is for /everyone/!!! If you’re out there on social media or, god forbid, in real life, telling people they can’t listen to a given artist, especially Chappell, you’ve lost the plot. Absolutely protect queer spaces from people doing actual harm, but straight people (or men) are not doing actual harm just by being present at a concert or by being fans of Chappell!!

CW: discussion of suicide and body dysmorphia

I ended up switching to a different therapist when things like this happened, but I really shouldn't have to deal with this when seeking help. Therapists should just not do this kind of thing in the first place.

I don't really have any suggestions on what could have been better aside from the obvious: treat every patient with respect, and for god's sake, do not compare one person's struggles to another's. Maybe encourage more men to get into therapy/mental health services so that they can make positive changes from the inside? I don't know that men are underrepresented in the profession in general, but in my experience, the majority of therapists at the offices I've been to have been women.

flush is currently at level 1 thanks to The Arm, so xMult doesn't seem too great at the moment

I love that your books are sorted by height omg. I do the same thing and I find it so satisfying

Nah it’s a weird interaction lol. The king of clubs was a wild card, but Midas mask changed it to a gold card after scoring began. I guess the hand type gets locked in before any jokers take effect

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

I fucking love reductress so much

lol yeah I was really worried it wouldn't score properly

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

Thanks for posting this!

Thank you! And especially thank you for the new mantra lol

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

I was actually about to make a post asking if anyone had a video of her speech about growing up queer in the South! It was so touching and affirming to not only hear her say it but to be surrounded by other queer people with the same experience. Tearing up a bit just thinking about it now lol. If anyone's got a video of it I'd really appreciate you sharing it <3


I was like 6 rows of people from the front at Chappell and they were handing out waters every now and then, but since everyone needs waters they never make it very far back. They really need to have staff hand waters out from the back, sides, and into the middle of the crowd throughout the show. If they had a staff member walk into the crowd with water bottles and deliberately give them to people in the middle it'd probably help a ton. I'm thinking of something like those snack guys at baseball games that walk around the stands

I was also able to bring in my empty Yeti water bottle and fill it up at the water station (right at the entrance) during the show. Highly recommend doing that if it's hot and you'll be standing around for hours

Edit: wanted to add that while liquid IV and things like it are kinda expensive, they've helped me out a ton in the past

Pond is another good band that feels more similar to his early music. Definitely give them a try - some of the members play with Tame Impala

Will definitely be doing a decorative pocket in the future! But for now I'm gonna patch it with material from the sleeves I cut off and try to match the style of the existing embroidery.

Also this is for a Chappell Roan concert!

copy-pasted from my other comment:

So I forgot to mention this in the op but I've cut off the sleeves, so I have original material from the jacket. Thinking that means I don't need to use another fabric type to patch it! Will still need leather needles but I think I've got something going!

I'd really like to do a pocket in the future, but since the concert is tomorrow and I've never done a pocket or worked on leather before, I think that's a project for another day

So I forgot to mention this in the op but I've cut off the sleeves, so I have original material from the jacket. Thinking that means I don't need to use another fabric type to patch it! Will still need leather needles but I think I've got something going!

I'd really like to do a pocket in the future, but since the concert is tomorrow and I've never done a pocket or worked on leather before, I think that's a project for another day

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

Agree with everything you said!

I'm sure the Chappell fandom knows of her but shoutout to Renee Rapp as another awesome lesbian pop singer. Her self-introduction in her interview with Nardwuar is iconic

:TRAFOAMP: Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl

I saw the exact same video you're talking about and was really annoyed by the comments too. Personally it was nice seeing this post to reassure me that the online fandom as a whole isn't like that <3