Try it in a batch file. If I recall early DOS environment variables didn't work interactively.

a legit tool to add to your daily hygiene, but a tongue brush (the kind with really short bristles) works better

echo It is currently %time% on %date%.

I appreciate how you imply it would have worked out if the cable was longer.

He wanted you to share. I hope you got your own gas and hotwired the bike so you made his big life lesson backfire.

Not r/transit fans I guess, or just making it political.
I don't necessarily think it's the best system, but I'm glad it exists.

There's got to be more subtext going on here. He got her good.

What's the glove?

I'm so sorry. RIP post, because no one's gonna be able to top that.

Unfortunately they've stopped including the pinball machine for legal reasons.

All of them empty out onto the floor if you fill them fast enough!

For most residential installs, only bathroom sinks and some bathtubs have an active secondary drain near the top that actually empties into the same drainpipe.

Some kitchen sinks have in-sink overflow holes but they're not nearly as ubiquitous as those in bathroom sinks. More commonly they only catch the water once the sink itself is completely full and hits the rim of the sink where the fixtures are, so it can drip into the undersink area before overflowing the lip of the sink insert, similar to OP's setup.

Laundry tubs are the overflow mechanism (for your washer) so they don't tend to have a second drain unless you count the one on the floor of some basement laundry rooms.

correct, this is all you need. I suspect this question was not asked in good faith.

Fairly easy to open a circuit that stops the train if they're not correctly aligned.

No address or auction house listed? Scam.

Well, you just managed to elevate a shitpost to something... else.

Well, the last is the most sultry of them all.
I'd stick to explaining anal sex.

Call them nerds for using an RPG term!!!