:tor2: Toronto Blue Jays

He plays SS so he’s definitely a good defender, just not amazing for a SS, although not terrible 

For me it 100% does. I live close to the stadium and often choose to watch games on TV instead of going because I don’t need a headache on a Sunday afternoon 

:tor2: Toronto Blue Jays

How is Dodgers attendance down? They just got the biggest FA signing ever 

I think they mostly go into the water to poo

Keep it on a shitty, high enough mana wand so I can dig in case there is something awesome I can’t reach or in case of a need to escape an emergency 

It’s a series I would recommend to any sports fan, but especially any Jays fan should watch it. It’s amazing 

Exactly. Everyone in here talking about the avg for ranked seasons, but if you are 500+ rated on ranked then you could crush the average offline player 99/100

I can have a .500 win % on chess.com and still be way above(1700) or below average(700). It depends on the rank of people you won/lost against.

I think people are even worse on average. I mean if we’re talking the entire player base, most of them don’t touch online and play CPU on veteran

:tor2: Toronto Blue Jays

Looks like one of them expensive dogs

Is that really your record? It seems impossible no one at least quit on you

I play with meter pitching and do fine in ranked but I realize that it’s not optimal. Zone hitting is really necessary though, I used to play with directional until I played online and got wrecked constantly.

Such a boring way to play the game 

Honestly I’d play some franchise mode if I were new to baseball. But since you’re asking about DD, events have 3 inning games and aren’t as brutally competitive as battle royale

They get very hot in the polyester, they need to switch to Lycra Spandex

:tor2: Toronto Blue Jays

new City Hall is so ugly

:Patriots: Patriots

Wasn’t he already going to move the team if Baltimore didn’t build them a new stadium?