If you're from the central valley, don't go into MRI. Go into X-ray or radiation therapy. There's practically zero jobs for MRI in the central valley. There are jobs in the bay area but it doesn't seem like you can relocate there. Gurnick saturated the job market in the central valley. Plus salaries are somewhat low unless you also have your Xray and CT license.

The seats were the number one reason I skipped on the i4. I test drove different i4’s over two months and hated the seats every time. Absolutely hated them. Add the claustrophobic effect of the cockpit and the i4 was a no-go for me. Really tried liking the car. Loved how it drove and handled. But daily livability matters for a cruiser like this one.

I'm currently traveling abroad. I miss this selflessness at the moment. Maybe I'm homesick.

So the appeals process varies from school to school and must be reasonable. However, after seeing the incidents regarding metal and the broken connector, to be honest (and I’m not trying to be harsh or mean), I’m surprised that you lasted as long as you did. As a preceptor, I only allow 2 minor metal incidents. The connector being broken is a HUGE deal. I’ve seen techs fired for that kind of thing depending on how it happened.

Dude read the manual or google it. Even the people in this thread are just sending you screenshots of what’s available with a 3 second online search.

Honestly, it’s professionally hazing at this point to require someone to get their XRay cert before getting their MRI cert. Hear me out.

Before MRI programs became a thing, you had to get your XRay cert and then train into MRI. A lot of facilities still require this even though their MRI techs will never work in the other modalities. Kaiser in CA is a big culprit of this cuz the union put this asinine requirement in. Many facilities are set up this way. Union membership will only grow if they got rid of this but they can’t see past their noses.

It makes no sense to require both certs these days for the VAST majority of locations nationwide. This still makes sense for small facilities that can’t afford hiring multiple techs and need to rely on one tech to run multiple scanners throughout the week. But these facilities are few.

Source: worked in MR apps

Do it. Don’t hold back. Unless you think it’ll affect your studies.

These are all correct. You can also get a CD copy of your images and just go to another imaging center and ask them to provide you with a second opinion. Best place to go would be to an out-patient (standalone) facility that’s not affiliated with a hospital network. They’ll charge around $40-$100 for the second reading.

Yeah…I get what OP was trying to say (and there are tons of patients who prioritize beauty over health), but this person is asking for a reason.

The only thing I’ve learned from this thread is that I need to look up uses for mead.

Stainless steel ortho screws should be safe for MR in most situations and are definitely safe for CT. Get the manufacturer’s number for the screws and call them for clarification.

This is what I’ve done every time and it came out perfect.

Started out as just trying to be more active and drop a few pounds. But now, it’s for mental health. I’m sharper, calmer, move with a purpose, and more in tune with my body.

Subaru forester. Fugly car. Cheap to insure.

The 99% acceptance rate is for nursing programs. Imaging programs have a 30-50% acceptance rate typically. This varies from region by region. If they publish their numbers, you need to look at that. Don’t go off of Google.

When watching a game, what formations are we supposed to look for? What match ups do we look for?

Hello, can you please send me a link to download please?

Def rad therapy. More jobs. Less saturation.

That’s awesome though. They need a new edition.

Where’d you find that information? Genuinely asking.