Teenagers great.. but you're right .. "los angeles" was sung so unique it was never getting much airplay

Atlas (the guy they portray cheeto as) WAS guilty of his crime; trying to lead a revolt and overthrow the gods. Carrying the earth was his punishment. So... yeah. Ok.

It's tape.. right? Just say it's a roll of scotch tape...

Have bought on their website multiple times..

on the last I bought a pair of MIE shoes that had a loose thread. With an email they sent me a label to return for exchange.. and I had a replacement within the week.

I have no complaints.

Hamas would have left you at the concert... assuming you were a just one of those guys that follows Dave Matthews on tour and you showed up to the wrong place..

This account has been posting as a dude.. until today

Same .. I mean dude.. it's my name without numbers.. it went from embarrassing to retro

Guess they didn't like the 2020 merchandise.. I think a picture of america with "I used to stand for something..." is too subtle

Yeah . Started looking.. then saw a few questionable hairs on the carpet... I'm out

Oh look.. the new Ayn Rand is out....


Guess you got time to do this cause they didn't invite you back for Beetlegeuse 2?


He said they had anal.... he didn't say which way it went...

Nope. Mouse just watched Empire Strikes Back... He needs to watch out for boba fett following him.

:49erlogo: Abandoned by God

This. I didn't sit through Rickey Henderson speech after breaking lou brocks record .. just to start watching some other team.. I didn't pee into the coliseum troughs.. to cross a bridge and watch some team in halloween colors...

Nope. Sports over.

:49erlogo: Abandoned by God

Nope. They're dead to me when that happens.. so "sucks they died " Guess I never have to watch baseball again.. sad that it stopped being played.. anywhere.. ever..

:49erlogo: Abandoned by God

The 5 new guys thought they were buying a Chargers alt jersey.

Sounds like David has a court appearance coming up... so he thought..; "Wait, im king, why don't I just suspend..."