Your brows are a bit thin.

A gentler arch with a bit more fullness around the browbone would he nice. And a tail that doesn't slope down too much would also be good.

Your eyes are so pretty.

Examples Leonard Lewis with her new brows, Mila Kunis with medium thick brows, Rihanna

I beg your finest pardon but tomatoes and rainforests????????

Would love to delete some people off the earth the same way I do emails.

According to my mother I have narcissistic personality disorder, psychosis, borderline and bipolar disorder. Pick a diagnosis, lady![Support]

A few years ago my mother said I had psychosis, narcissistic personality disorder and my memories were 'distorted' when I confronted her about her behaviour. Now this:

Her message (TLDR 1: the gist of it is that she is saying I am bipolar/borderline):

Always remember that the real you is an incredibly kind, loving, fun, joyous, intelligent person. The you that always had empathy. I have not been able to express myself or be me with you because of the explosive rage and extreme reactions that I understand is difficult for you to navigate when you interact. Nevertheless it inflicts a heavy cost on your own well being and on those who love you. In the past I used to get stuck in my own pain due that explosive anger and was fearful of speaking my mind for that reason. Now I try to move beyond that pain to try and understand what is going on for you, with all the emotional dysregulation. risky behaviours, possible promiscuity, compulsive behaviors, explosive rage, isolating those who love you, relationship difficulties and it points towards an illness that is heritable. But it is so debilitating unless you take the appropriate help. I yearn to see you but I fear deeply that anything I do or say when we meet wil be misinterpreted if you have not sought treatment for bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder ( I believe you may have one of these). Unless you seek treatment for that. Unless and when you are ready to have these conversations and be treated for this, you and your relationships are not going to heal. I know you were not born this way, you had and have a clean ‘operating system’ and this is a genetic virus that has found its way ( if it is bipolar disorder), it has to be treated. I am aware that this may throw you into a rage again or disappear on me. But I would rather take that risk if there is even a minute chance to get you to seek help for this because the most painful fallout of this is the intense pain it causes you and the struggles with your own life. Know that I love you. I am here to support you. And meeting with you before you get treatment for this may not help you and me as well as we may get emotionally wounded again. So I am proposing that we meet when you are ready to get treated (maybe you already have) or have these conversations for me and you to feel mentally safe to speak with each other. That means regulating emotions when interacting. I would not want either one of us to have an emotional outburst on my birthday. That means we need to start having healing conversations and being emotionally regulated before we meet. So that is the real reason behind my decision. Remember, within you is this kind and beautiful person. We all have broken parts. Mental health issues are no longer a taboo or something to be ashamed of. I love you. Mum

--------end of her message

My response (TLDR 2: I think she's crazy):

Explosive rage?

Says the woman who put her hands around papa's throat.

Says the woman who beat the life out of her kid son for having anxious ticks

Says the woman who screamed like a hyena at a boyfriend who flirted with other women instead of just leaving. And didnt you meet this man when he came in for counselling to fix his marriage with his ex wife?

Says the woman who dragged her 12 year old daughter on the floor by the hair

Says the woman who fought with all her boyfriends kids, including a 4 yo, because she can't stand the idea of not being centre stage in her relationships

Says the woman who diagnosed her son, ex husband and daughter of narcisstic personality disorder, psychosis and now bipolar

Says the woman who harassed her 80 yo father about how much money she was going to get from him in the will while he was ALIVE because the thought of her sister getting more was intolerable.

Says the woman who tried to coerce her completely normal bodied daughter to get her stomach stapled.

Says the woman who obsessed over her weight and diet for so long and forced her teenage daughter to as well so she could have someone to project on.

Says the woman who practiced as a psychotherapist for years with a qualification in hypnotherapy and got angry when clients snooped around to find out about her qualifications.

Says a woman who brought children into an already failing marriage, cursing us to years of discord because that's what she thinks is normal.

You're insane. The only reason you can't be 'you' is because your constrained by the boundaries I've set up that prevent you from wrecking my life.

I didn't want to talk about my mental health because you won't like the diagnosis.

It's PTSD. From growing up with parents that never thought about whether they were fit to be parents and brought us into their miserable marriage.

We all need to keep a steady job and aim for something in life so I am obviously going to do whatever it takes to pay the bills, depressed or not. My friends are my family.

I don't need to diagnose you of any disorder to know why we are estranged. Nor do I have to rely on one to make excuses for the past.

This was a mistake. Back to no contact we go. I'm relieved we are not seeing each other. Honestly, who needs enemies with a mother like this.

-------end of my message

I've been in therapy for 5 years now and I always think I'm over her but it never really ends.

TLDR 3: She's been 'diagnosing' me since I was born. No therapist I have seen has ever mentioned bipolar but she's always making me question reality.

I used to have the same issue. It often took 45 minutes or more. Now it's down to 20 and I do a full smokey eye. I'm not joking.

The secret for me is using a face and eyeshadow primer that really works for me. It just makes makeup stick and you need less makeup and the makeup both sits, blends, and sets well.

This is how much stuff I use

Priming: A full tea spoon of sunscreen, 1 pump of sheglam skin primer (the green one), A little Barry M eyeshadow primer for lids

Foundation: Superstay Maybelline foundation (Its thin but good coverage), Setting spray, Makeup revolution foundation as concealer in F12 (high coverage), Setting spray AGAIN

Eyes: Essence crayon eyeshadow pencil, Makeup revolution palette (forgot what it's called but the shades are burgundy based. It's a 9 colour palette, huda beauty dupe), Clinique liquid eyeliner, Telescopic mascara, Set eyeshadow with lasting fix powder

Cheeks Milani bronzer

Lips W7 mighty mattes lipstick in bond girl

As you can see I use soooooo many products but I don't really have to put in a lot of effort to get the payoff and coverage from each product purely because I primed.

I was doing makeup without primers for years and it always took so long and the makeup always caked up or faded. Now with primers I do it in half the time. No other primer has worked for me like the sheglam one.

According to my (32F) mother (59F), I suffer from narcissistic personality disorder or psychosis and now borderline or bipolar. Pick a diagnosis, lady.Vent/rant

A few years ago my mother said I had psychosis, narcissistic personality disorder and my memories were 'distorted' when I confronted her about her behaviour. Now this:

Her message (the gist of it is that she is saying I am bipolar/borderline):

Always remember that the real you is an incredibly kind, loving, fun, joyous, intelligent person. The you that always had empathy. I have not been able to express myself or be me with you because of the explosive rage and extreme reactions that I understand is difficult for you to navigate when you interact. Nevertheless it inflicts a heavy cost on your own well being and on those who love you. In the past I used to get stuck in my own pain due that explosive anger and was fearful of speaking my mind for that reason. Now I try to move beyond that pain to try and understand what is going on for you, with all the emotional dysregulation. risky behaviours, possible promiscuity, compulsive behaviors, explosive rage, isolating those who love you, relationship difficulties and it points towards an illness that is heritable. But it is so debilitating unless you take the appropriate help. I yearn to see you but I fear deeply that anything I do or say when we meet wil be misinterpreted if you have not sought treatment for bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder ( I believe you may have one of these). Unless you seek treatment for that. Unless and when you are ready to have these conversations and be treated for this, you and your relationships are not going to heal. I know you were not born this way, you had and have a clean ‘operating system’ and this is a genetic virus that has found its way ( if it is bipolar disorder), it has to be treated. I am aware that this may throw you into a rage again or disappear on me. But I would rather take that risk if there is even a minute chance to get you to seek help for this because the most painful fallout of this is the intense pain it causes you and the struggles with your own life. Know that I love you. I am here to support you. And meeting with you before you get treatment for this may not help you and me as well as we may get emotionally wounded again. So I am proposing that we meet when you are ready to get treated (maybe you already have) or have these conversations for me and you to feel mentally safe to speak with each other. That means regulating emotions when interacting. I would not want either one of us to have an emotional outburst on my birthday. That means we need to start having healing conversations and being emotionally regulated before we meet. So that is the real reason behind my decision. Remember, within you is this kind and beautiful person. We all have broken parts. Mental health issues are no longer a taboo or something to be ashamed of. I love you. Mum

--------end of her message

My response:

Explosive rage?

Says the woman who put her hands around papa's throat.

Says the woman who beat the life out of her kid son for having anxious ticks

Says the woman who screamed like a hyena at a boyfriend who flirted with other women instead of just leaving. And didnt you meet this man when he came in for counselling to fix his marriage with his ex wife?

Says the woman who dragged her 12 year old daughter on the floor by the hair

Says the woman who fought with all her boyfriends kids, including a 4 yo, because she can't stand the idea of not being centre stage in her relationships

Says the woman who diagnosed her son, ex husband and daughter of narcisstic personality disorder, psychosis and now bipolar

Says the woman who harassed her 80 yo father about how much money she was going to get from him in the will while he was ALIVE because the thought of her sister getting more was intolerable.

Says the woman who tried to coerce her completely normal bodied daughter to get her stomach stapled.

Says the woman who obsessed over her weight and diet for so long and forced her teenage daughter to as well so she could have someone to project on.

Says the woman who practiced as a psychotherapist for years with a qualification in hypnotherapy and got angry when clients snooped around to find out about her qualifications.

Says a woman who brought children into an already failing marriage, cursing us to years of discord because that's what she thinks is normal.

You're insane. The only reason you can't be 'you' is because your constrained by the boundaries I've set up that prevent you from wrecking my life.

I didn't want to talk about my mental health because you won't like the diagnosis.

It's PTSD. From growing up with parents that never thought about whether they were fit to be parents and brought us into their miserable marriage.

We all need to keep a steady job and aim for something in life so I am obviously going to do whatever it takes to pay the bills, depressed or not. My friends are my family.

I don't need to diagnose you of any disorder to know why we are estranged. Nor do I have to rely on one to make excuses for the past.

This was a mistake. Back to no contact we go. I'm relieved we are not seeing each other. Honestly, who needs enemies with a mother like this.

-------end of my message

I've been in therapy for 5 years now and I always think I'm over her but it never really ends.

She's been 'diagnosing' me since I was born. No therapist I have seen has ever mentioned bipolar but she's always making me question reality.

I've never had to say this before but you need to go in with a heavier hand!

By the way, your face is so beautiful!

Ginny and Bill Weasley were extremely boring.

Fleur delacour bored me to no end.

How did Cornelius fudge even get elected to become MfM? He was such a push over.

Sirius was a jackass and had no redeeming qualities

In the HP world, fat = incompetent/stupid/bad Think neville, dudley, the fat lady, crabbe and goyle

Why didnt dumbledore bring Snape or mcgonagall along to hunt for the horcrux in the cave? Why Harry when he only knows like 2 spells???

"I'm busy the next couple of weeks but I can meet you on x date"

You set the dates and times.

I do not believe you are ugly. Your pre existing condition and restrictive diet may be affecting your skin. A more varied diet, multi vitamins, and some weight gain could change that. And as you are young, skin laxity can improve.

I understand the comments here are telling you that you look older and are quite insensitive. You're a 19 year old and that age is the hardest when it comes to things like body image. Sometimes I wish the internet was a bit more humane.

Looking older isn't a bad thing. I know people that looked 40 at 20 and then looked 40 at 40.

I'm a woman who has been through some crazy body image issues thanks to a mother who constantly ragged me about my weight. I've been through it all and have come out the other side.

I actually have some tips that could help

  1. You could do with a haircut and some hair products that control frizz but increase volume like hair mousse.
  2. See a dermatologist and speak to them about your concerns. Consider getting some bloodwork done.
  3. Makeup. You have loads of real estate around the eye area to play with some makeup. Watch a few tutorials. You can also consider a light coverage foundation and some bronzer.

I'm not vegan but I agree with this to an extent.

A lot of indians are vegan and they look fine and are healthy. They have a lot of spices in their diet that make up for trace minerals and a lot of lentils that provide protein.

I do however think veganism in the West has some way to go.

She's acting out because she lost her father but it doesn't change the fact that she's financially entitled. It would be a deal breaker for me.

That's an insane amount to spend on a wedding when it could be put towards investments or a down-payment for a house.

Support until she's feeling better about her dad but stand your ground when it comes to financial sensibility.

I'd say don't compromise on fun but find sustainable ways to enjoy life.

I like nature a lot. I did spend some $ on good gear and a tent but other than that initial cost, the experience is free and unlimited. It's good exercise and good for mental health.

Generally I categorise things by what is good for me. Saving is very good for me, but so is having fun. So I try to do both.