Melon collie sold more. I expected it to no avail.

PennyTrip - Pins & Needles [Alk Rock/Shoegaze/Grungegaze] (2024)

Apple Music:



This is our third release since our first release in Dec. 2023. We are a new band from Birmingham, AL. This song and our others have a alt rock, shoegaze, grungegaze element to them. It's a melting pot of everything we grew up on in the 90's. If you are a fan of Foo Fighters, Helmet, Smashing Pumpkins, Narrow Head, and Superheaven, this might be up your alley. We hope you like it!

PennyTrip released a new song Friday called Pins & Needles.

PennyTrip - Pins & Needles

The song is a mix of Alternative, Alt Rock, Shoegaze, and a new term called Grungegaze. We mix a lot of our childhood influences of shoegaze and rock into one pot. The song is about not fitting into social situations as a kid or even an adult.

My new band, PennyTrip, has a new single out this week called Pins & Needles! It's very alt-shoegaze sorta sound.

Am I the only one that hears all the music on 103.1 sped up a tick? No one else in the car with me hears it. I know it鈥檚 so they can get on the hour programming or whatever but for some reason I think 103.1 is far worse and it鈥檚 entirely too noticeable.