It may not be illegal. Read the doc. They are cutting pay for future periods. It’s a 5% pay cut for the next two weeks. It’s shitty management, but not necessarily illegal…

It’s shitty I’m sorry OP.

Legally, there may be issues depending on where you live, but the 19-17 gap meets the not so common 1/2 your age plus 7 rule.

I’d say wait on it, let the 17 finish school, then it would be more acceptable, but in general I’d say that 2 year gap is ok ish.

Those two are commonly used as anti-aging treatments in smaller doses.

even though you aren’t lifting weights, you are very active, you would likely see some muscle related benefits as well with the proper dosage.

In addition to the milk protein allergy mentioned below, some budget -> mid ranged hard cheeses are rushed. The bacteria doesn’t get to do its job because the cheese is hardened by means other than aging.

I mean I’d turn in the bag with 25k and 1 lb of coke to police like a good citizen

Hard or aged cheese has significantly less lactose in it, some cheeses have basically none. Parm for example

How is false vacuum decay not in the top 5…

I change it when I can smell it. I don’t mean like horrible death like smell, I mean I get a couple inches away and it smells wet or just smells bad at all. Or on Sundays.

Do not use bear spray on a person in California. That’s asking to get arrested.

That would probably work, but I like to hit them with a blow torch

The ticks bit is false. In fact further studies showed no remnants of ticks or very few in possum scat.

They also do helicopter imitations with it.. guys you know what I mean.

I say it, but it’s mostly joking. I’ve been in the industry for decades, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t at 50+ companies. It’s a matter of figuring out how to get what works to fit in that companies organization, which is sometimes akin to a miracle)

No. Facilitators.

Typically the companies I worked with did not have the time or man power to revamp/revise/create business processes. We came in and put together in a month what would have taken them 6 months to a year.

Part of that process is looping in feedback from all levels, which means sometimes the company had the answer it wanted, they just didn’t bother to ask (or listen) to the right person.

You are not allowed to defend your property with lethal force in most states. You are allowed to defend yourself or others.

I think some states have exceptions for livestock.

Bullshitting isn’t the right word for good consultants. We take input from all levels of the org, take the direction from leadership, our broad knowledge of how that type of business is run, the specific knowledge of how all the previous clients actually ran it, and devise a strategy that works for that company within their limitations. Sometimes because of specific leadership requirements that means just parroting back what they said with a few tweaks here and there. Usually it’s more complex. Most of the time someone can look at the output and say “no shit”, but the thing is no one has taken the time to organize all the data, review the goals, and then propose that solution until that point.

I think in some cases it is 100% the drug that cause the mental snap, but that’s not to say a parents death, job loss, bad accident, or an extremely unlucky Tuesday wouldn’t have done the same thing.

With others the drug may just be what tips them over the edge.

But again, this is a specific sub category of people with a genetic predisposition to a particular type of mental illness. I’m not claiming that pot can take Chad Bro with his perfect genetics, no hint of mental illness, and 3 college offers and break his mind.

It’s also finding people like you, and Betty over in product management, combining your ideas into one and presenting them. Two people in the same org that would have never met or been in the same meeting otherwise.

I currently get my tires at Costco, they do free nitrogen fills, refills, etc. I will say that for me, I have noticed I have slightly less pressure differentials between cold tires and warmed up tires from driving. Like with compressed air it’s going from 26psi to 32 and with nitrogen it’s going 28-31. Not a difference worth paying extra for as a typical commuter.

There is something to it, airplane tires are only inflated with nitrogen for a reason. It just does not translate to cars because your car tire never goes from 0mph to 500mph followed by rapid heating from breaking and friction.