Cathedral ward run back is fine but Logarius run back is too long

I went from my second game of ER to bloodborne, which I’m currently playing. Hoping to beat BB, including old hunters dlc, before the ER DLC drops but my schedule is tough so it’s gonna be close

I mean he wants to play with both his brother and his girl, I get that. I think he’s unlike to go too deep on either or otherwise hopefully he withdraws by the QF in singles

House Republicans specifically, Mike Turner being the worst and then Senator McConnell. Rubio is an apparent ally and other republican senators seem to be harder to read.

You don’t want them to hear you!! That’s how you get abducted! ;)

Yeah as other players said, just play it - you get used to it pretty quickly and the joy of the game more than compensates

Should I use my madmans knowledge to max out my insight? Help

I just defeated One Reborn and noticed that I have 35 madman's knowledge and about 25 insight. I tired to look into this and all I saw is that high insight makes some enemies slightly tougher. You can use insight to buy stuff obviously but none of it looks that appealing to me. I thought I heard that something costs 60 insight at some point but I don't think I've seen that yet

I really like this interpretation. This makes more sense than much of what I've read and I appreciate you typing all this out. Why were they tinkering with the old blood in the first place? Just scientific curiosity?

Bots buying up all the tickets instantly and reselling them for higher. And enough bot usage to clog the site as well.

Oh interesting, I appreciate the advice. Anyone else notice this too?

I’m surprised this is so low. Snap is incredibly good for being free and stays fresh. Only need to pay money if you want to be at the top of the meta or get a lot of skins but the matchmaking keeps it even without paying money

Alternatively, if we assume that they came from zeta reticuli then somehow they travel at about 20 times the speed of light or faster 🤷‍♂️

Yeah sure, not all of the two years has to be travel time but nukes used->decision to come here tied to either use of nukes or info spread across universe/multiverse as a result of nukes ->time to come here->k Arnold sighting and Roswell and everything after

The ring at the time, VHS later, and then hereditary hit me so hard but it was more than just fear.

I think that’s a fair interpretation but there’s so many details and context missing that I don’t really make anything of this at all with more info.

Yup I do the same thing but I’m worse cause I look up OP weapons (Ludwig’s, moonveil katana)

Streaming Cubs in Columbia MO, Zipcode 65201

Hi, I'm trying to set up streaming Cubs games for my dad who now lives in Columbia Missouri, Zip 65201. Trying to research this has been a mess with the blackouts and competing services etc. I would appreciate any recommendations or advice on the cheapest / easiest way to get the most games for him. It seems very convoluted.

From what I can tell, MLB TV might be the best way to go but in Columbia he won't get cubs vs cards or vs royals, and maybe no playoff games? I can't tell if weekend games are included with cubs on MLB TV or not. Any input please!! THANKS!!