Maybe use it to help others in a selfless manner? Charity, addiction recovery , health care etc. whatever moves you.

Work your 1v1 bunker mode, play kovaaks and work towards skinny side until final circles.

I think the mode has a lot of potential. Hopefully they bring in duos and add guns with less rng spray

Once this meta changes, we would be happy to help you through a few pub matches to show you how manage a circle. You can easily get a 10% win rate just by circle management and being a decent shot.

Trio Open Today - Need Rank? And 3?

Does anyone know if you need to have a certain rank to enter the trio open or is an open because you don’t need to have a rank?

Also - Can you drop as a duo if you don’t have a 3rd?

Duo Cash Cup - Not Wednesday/Thursday?

Did duo cash cup get moved this week to Tuesday/Wednesday?

Lol. A bot to promote normalcy? The agenda being pushed in this subreddit is fear and panic so I am not part of that. Qualifications…. What would suffice? Is Fauci qualified?

There is so much fear and overreacting here that I’m convinced it’s bots and paid posters. It’s nuts.

Like specifically the areas to work on. How did you break your sim down in that way?

Yea. They are annoying. It has turned into a shooter game as the secondary and fisting as a primary. Hopefully they get rid of them soon.

Cup Match Rotation Videos

Is there anyway to watch a map view of the full field in a replay so I can see rotations in a cup match? The replay mode only seems to show like a 200M radius for viewing.

How did you determine what you needed to work on ?

Thanks. Where do people scrim on thursdays for ZB that didn’t qualify?