The whole long term generational stigma about not announcing your pregnancy before the second trimester is because miscarriages have always been common in the first trimester.

That isn't to say they aren't worse now, but they were always common, and never talked about because a women's worth at the time was providing children.

It's not even subtext, it's a straight dog whistle.

People who are all like "I knew it". "I always had an off feeling about him" in situations like this are the worst. Liars, shitty people.

Those are the same type of people who believed the showrunners on the wheel of time that the dragon could be anybody but Rand.

Did you totally miss the point where he said that the holes that everybody has are boring? Presumably because they all feel the same to him, so he has to create new holes.

People are being super precious about this episode, and I feel like saying is this the only episode of the show you've ever seen? People have horrendous memory problems.

You see this all the time in real life. Someone popular/beloved turns out to be a shit heel and a bajillion liars show up. "I knew it!", "I always felt someone was wrong with them". "I always felt they were too good to be true"

No the fuck they didn't

In case you weren't aware, not all sexual assault is rape.


That's like not a thing. None of what happens in the show is necessary.

Its not hard to decide, running away from you, you don't pull the trigger.

That's what you get when you mess with the Doctor.

Yes he's scum, yes he was probably involved this, however these images are a nothing burger. We know that he talked with Epstein. This just proves he called him, which means jack shit.

Literally a myth based on a misunderstanding of how the brain develops.

If you're younger than 25, you're basically still a kid.

No you are not. Stop infantilizing adults.

Almost always starts with a noise complaint.

They see a drunk minor, and that's enough.

No, I'm literally responding to you saying foreigners don't realize we have a popular vote and an electoral college. We don't have a popular vote. It's a statistic people outside the government tally up and report in the news.

And reduce the silliness of shoelaces being classified as a machine gun