No. I'm never serving the empire again. You can't change the system from. The inside. WTF is this...

It'll definitely take a lot of self-confidence.

It'll be way easier to pull off if I know I'm in good shape and can handle myself in combat sports.

Edit: both of which I'm working on

Edit 2: I don't plan on fighting these fools ever but when I don't have to be too worried about them taking a swing or trying to tackle me it'll be easier

It's a goal at this point to get swole, crossdress, and MOG reactionaries when they try to start shit.

I'm an organizer for a local community solidarity and mutual aid event that sometimes gets involved in other events.

My main role on the day of the event is usually peacekeeper/de-escalator. Most of the time I don't have to do much.

There was one transphobe/homophobe going on about us putting our pronouns on our name tags. Others dealt with him and he left without further incident but it got me thinking...

I'm 190cm (6'3" in imperialism units) and have a beard. What happens if I get swole, dress in a full femboy fit, and MOG these fools while deescelating?

I need to see their faces as they grapple with their feelings of inferiority to a man in a miniskirt and crop top.

Edit: 2 letters. Also I don't think being swole makes anyone "superior"... but many reactionaries do so I'll gladly exploit that.

I'm actually pretty gay, so I can confirm bjj is very homoerotic.

1st tournament: 1 draw and 2 losses

2nd tournament: 1 draw and like 6 losses

Did waaaay better the second time despite more losses.

This was like a month ago... Losing in bjj is humiliating. You are literally being submitted by force. Keep at it, you got this.

The travel time might make it infeasible. Maybe there's a judo club or something closer by?

Your parents have a point but are also naive in their own way. The school system is full of bullshit but you're going to struggle without some sort of degree or certification that makes capitalist overlords respect your labor power. That certification could be a black belt and a solid tournament record.

Palestinian women are being bombed too comrade. Your anger and frustration is just.

You could try last weekend tonight's episode on Palestine. Should be digestable for liberals.

On the marriage frustrations part of it: spending your life with someone is hard. Take a step back and put yourself in her shoes.

Does she truly "not work"? If she does housework or takes care of kids or volunteers, she's doing unpaid labor and you should thank her. There could still be legitimate frustrations--but realize that she's even more dispossed than you.

Probably anyway, idk your exact situation. One of the hardest periods with my (semi-liberal) partner was simillar. I was ...mentally unwell... selling my soul to an abusive "job creator" to pay the bills while my partner had a great time volunteering at a local animal shelter 30-40hrs a week. I was proud of all the work she did, yet resentful that the burden of capitalism was entirely on me. We had to have some long conversations.

Just remember it's not a series of transactions, it's a voluntary relationship of mutual aid. You can have your hands full as a working parent and still have praxis :P


It's a long video by Zoe Baker. She makes dope breadtube videos. This one dives into the history of the word "Proletariat". She starts with Latin root word in the Roman Republic and where that fit in the official property based class hierarchy... Nothing is new ig...

She then goes into their use by early socialists.

There's a large section on Marx's and Engels' definition (or their lack thereof) a stricter definition of the proletariat. She's not criticizing or being sectarian. Just building a case.

She briefly concludes with some anarchists use of the term that differed somewhat and then implores us to build our own theory.

My thoughts

I loved this. This is the quality food for thought my brain needs.

I think I'll use it in loose sense of 'worker that depends on selling his/her labor power' but this was still a fascinating dive for me.

I'm curious if any Marxists have any comments on the Marx/Engels section? Were they done justice? I think they were but my Marxism education is still very new.


It's a long video by Zoe Baker. She makes dope breadtube videos. This one dives into the history of the word "Proletariat". She starts with Latin root word in the Roman Republic and where that fit in the official property based class hierarchy... Nothing is new ig...

She then goes into their use by early socialists.

There's a large section on Marx's and Engels' definition (or their lack thereof) a stricter definition of the proletariat. She's not criticizing or being sectarian. Just building a case.

She briefly concludes with some anarchists use of the term that differed somewhat and then implores us to build our own theory.

My thoughts

I loved this. This is the quality food for thought my brain needs.

I think I'll use it in loose sense of 'worker that depends on selling his/her labor power' but this was still a fascinating dive for me.

I'm curious if any Marxists have any comments on the Marx/Engels section? Were they done justice? I think they were but my Marxism education is still very new.


It's a long video by Zoe Baker. She makes dope breadtube videos. This one dives into the history of the word "Proletariat". She starts with Latin root word in the Roman Republic and where that fit in the official property based class hierarchy... Nothing is new ig...

She then goes into their use by early socialists.

There's a large section on Marx's and Engels' definition (or their lack thereof) a stricter definition of the proletariat. She's not criticizing or being sectarian. Just building a case.

She briefly concludes with some anarchists use of the term that differed somewhat and then implores us to build our own theory.

My thoughts

I loved this. This is the quality food for thought my brain needs.

I think I'll use it in loose sense of 'worker that depends on selling his/her labor power' but this was still a fascinating dive for me.

I'm curious if any Marxists have any comments on the Marx/Engels section? Were they done justice? I think they were but my Marxism education is still very new.


It's a long video by Zoe Baker. She makes dope breadtube videos. This one dives into the history of the word "Proletariat". She starts with Latin root word in the Roman Republic and where that fit in the official property based class hierarchy... Nothing is new ig...

She then goes into their use by early socialists.

There's a large section on Marx's and Engels' definition (or their lack thereof) a stricter definition of the proletariat. She's not criticizing or being sectarian. Just building a case.

She briefly concludes with some anarchists use of the term that differed somewhat and then implores us to build our own theory.

My thoughts

I loved this. This is the quality food for thought my brain needs.

I think I'll use it in loose sense of 'worker that depends on selling his/her labor power' but this was still a fascinating dive for me.

I'm curious if any Marxists have any comments on the Marx/Engels section? Were they done justice? I think they were but my Marxism education is still very new.

Edit: formatting and summary

Lol. Can't take ypu down if you cut your height in half.

It's a good point though. I don't want to hurt my partner's knees.

It's a strategic call on your part.

Eventually you will have to study both in depth.

The transition phase is the hardest. Are you going to be the person who can get on top and stay on top, but gets subbed a lot, or the person who has no control of the position, but snags opportunistic subs sometimes?

Idk what I'm talking about. I'm a 2 stripe white belt.

I'm commited to position over submission because the other way around doesn't work for me. I'm a slow learner, a heavyweight, and want to learn mma eventually, so... get on top by winning takedowns, stay on top, pass, and slowly constrict them like an anaconda is my general strat.

I think that quote might be misattributed , based on some googling... it's a good quip though.

It's a really good way to condense how class society has to seperate "laborers" from "thinkers". The "laborer" classes have to be kept subservient, disenfranchised, and unquestioningly obedient cogs in the machine. The "thinker" classes are given broader privelages materially and socially but the ruling classes keep these "thinkers" dependent on the ruling classes, as the ruling classes can simply cut off these "thinkers" from the means of production--thus making their ideas useless.

The reality is there's not much of a difference betweens these categories. People do the best thinking work when their thinking is grounded in reality through actually trying out their ideas. People do their best physical work when they have access to research relevant to the labor they are sweating to do.

Honestly squats with no bar can be a challenge at that size. Congrats comrade. You are officially stronk now.