1. True, in a perfect scenario, that would absolutely be the case, but more people means more problems, more problems means more time. It's not a simple parallel processing problem.

2. Yeah, that's honestly part of the problem. We have 50 states and each one handles the voting a bit different. Some jurisdictions/voting precincts DO have their results in within moments of polls closing.

Fuck. I used to have a major rapport with motel owners with the last name Patel. That's hilarious, man.

The statue is located in Gujarat on the Narmada River in the Kevadiya colony, facing the Sardar Sarovar Dam 100 kilometres (62 mi) southeast of the city of Vadodara

Well at least now we know. This must be how the rest of the world feels when someone from the US starts spouting off about some random ass slightly notable location in Idaho.

Fun fact: The computer Deep Blue, a small-scale super computer at the time; had about 1% of the processing power of a modern smartphone.

We have watches with more processing power than the first supercomputers that beat humans at chess.

Lots of -Zone Empire places. Covid killed them.

For those wondering, Zone laser tag is like #1 in the game. They're literally lasertag.com.

We lost our local place here, too. The place had been in the building literally almost 20 years, and Covid just deleted it. One of the saddest moments of my life was seeing it gone after wanting to take my kid.

Climbing is counter-productive if you require both hands for the laser (most of them have touch or heat sensors to require both hands). Ducking below cover is much more efficient.

Considering the fact that the number of people that vote in our elections is nearly twice the entire population of the UK, we're pretty good at counting the number of votes we need to. It's the months-long transition that sucks.

Cat knew what was going on all along. Playing the long game.

You can actually do something similar to this on grass as well, if you heel-toe between your ball and the hole it creates a bit of a groove for your ball to follow.

So, she, who is a full-grown adult woman, is not allowed to have romantic relationships because she's short? Holy fucking shit man, get your head out of your ass.

I'm pretty sure you can make that last bit by falling more or less, so long as you hold right. You might have to tap the run button.

Eeeh. There's a lot of really good lovey vanilla AF hentai out there without the weird shit. It's a vast medium of art. VAST. Like deepest ocean to the top of the tallest mountain vast.

Pick any 2 adult human characters from anything with as completely normal of a relationship as you want it to be, and you can almost, with 100% certainty, find a vanilla hentai adaptation of them having sex.

...You can also find an almost infinite supply of everything that does not fit all of the descriptors above. There's a metric fuckton of hentai out there.

Ah, man. The best sex starts about 12 hours before you're even in the bedroom and then the physical stuff starts at a time where there are 0 time or other obligation constraints. It's just, the fucking best. Literally.

She's figured out how to make that happen for you. You're a lucky man.

One million? Jesus...they have a fucking multi-billion dollar conglomerate by the absolute balls and they're asking for pocket change?

Even $8 million is a rounding error to that company. Holy fuck, is this some 14 year old?

I know, hence my intentionally (and hopefully) slightly humorous, but absolute 100% not-sarcastic message. I also clicked so many wouldn't have to. I'm pretty good at mental preparation for that kind of thing.

Our imaginations are assholes.

Our brains can pretty well calculate what something feels like to lick, what getting something violently shoved under your fingernails will feel like, and in this case, what having that much hair inside your eyelid would feel like.

You feel a shadow of what it would feel like, and this is definitely one of the worst.

If you are in a job with good pay right now pay your unsecured debts as much as you can afford, not what you're required. People will tell you to invest it because you make higher return blah blah bull fucking shit. Pay. Your. Debts. Off. Quickly. As quickly as you can.

At the end of the day, your job is not guaranteed to stick around. It's not always guaranteed to continue to be good pay, inflation, a stock market dip, the company's owner decides it's time to be a brutal capitalist, and any number of other things can happen to your income. And if you haven't paid them off, your debts will still be there, demanding the same of you each month. Uncaring that you're paying $100 more for groceries a month than you were 2 years ago. Blind to your energy company raising rates or your landlord increasing rent again. Your debts don't care about your financial circumstance.

Note: this ONLY applies to unsecured debt. You really don't want to go through bankruptcy. Personal loans, Student loans, credit cards, that stuff. Make it disappear ASAP.

Disability has about a 50/50 of going away in about 6 months, so yeah. I definitely wouldn't count on that, either.

And yet, as a society we're handing this type of communication the keys. This is only the beginning of the no-attention-span society.