Ask the coworker that got promoted. Do what he says and what he did.

Learn basics of web development. This isn't a react question.

Many people are mostly in it for the money and deal with the realities of tech career.

If you can't or don't want to deal with realities of tech career, then you'll have to move on, do something else.

You can just do leetcode problems on youtube and make a living that way, like what neetcode is doing.

Experienced pro React consult rate is $500/hour. 8 hour minimum.

I just cannot code for my life.

You’re not cut out for tech career.

Find a job, any job, bagging groceries, waiter, Amazon warehouse worker, etc. Learn how to work by working.

Then learn to get better jobs.

Learn that no one’s going to just give you a job.

You have to earn the job.


If your main interest is money, look into tech sales. Tech sales people can make similar salaries as tech jobs.

If you're serious about tech career, get CS degree.

Are you on linkedin?

If not, get on linkedin, set up profile and get active, check linkedin everyday, share likes on trendy tech posts, etc. That way you'll surface more on recruiter search lists.

See how many recruiter spam you get.

The scope of your work and tech stack may be too limited and niche, you list protobuf but no json? You list typescript, but no javascript? You list java, but no spring, no springboot?

You're likely being autofiltered by ATS scans, that can't see relevant hits based on your listed tech stacks. It seems random mishmash of tech words throwin in, instead of solid progression of tech stack foundation build up.

Apply to more jobs.

You have decent resume with MS and Vmware, it's just matter of grinding leetcode, grinding tech applications and tech interview skills.

Go to tech meetups and networking events, DO NOT ASK FOR JOBS, meet people and network. This is to practice talking to people about tech subjects, practice behavioral interview skills. Discuss your background, LISTEN to people, etc. You have to come across as LIKEABLE guy that can get along and work with people, especially during interviews. You can revert to total ahole after working there for couple of weeks.

Doesn't your school, faculty advisors have industry networks?

Generally, many phd candidates with high demand skills are recruited into corp research roles.

I seriously don't think you got phd in theoretical CS, just so you can get an entry level job centering divs. What were you doing during your discussions with faculty advisors and career prospects?

I should mention that I am on a visa

This is hard stop for many companies that do not have budget/resources to handle visa issues. Even if you don't need sponsorship, the company will have to expend legal resources to abide by whatever rules pertaining to your visa. Generally, only larger companies with legal resources can handle visa cases.

Unless you have some seriously in demand skills in trendy tech stacks, ML, AI, etc., your opportunities will be limited.

What country is this happening?

Apply to other jobs and get better offers.

There is no bridge.

Take the big clue from all the other people that left the company.

Apply to other jobs and get better, higher salary offers.

You can learn React here,

Or, you can pay React integration pro consult, $500/hour, 8 hour minimum.